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                                                                              Keith's POV

7pm: I was standing on Alessandra's porch, waiting for her to answer the door. I was excited to see her for some reason. She seems to be a pretty nice girl. 

Suddenly, I noticed her open the door. At that moment, I saw a beautiful angel appear! 

 At that moment, I saw a beautiful angel appear! 

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"Wow. You look nice." I said to her in awe.

"Hehe, thanks. You're not too bad yourself." Alessandra said back to me.

She walked towards me, closing the door behind her and locking it with her house key.

"So, where are you taking me?" She asked with a smile.

I stopped. Dang it! I got all ready and stuff for this "date" but I didn't have a destination. Who does that? So, I had to say something, fast, before she figures out that I had no clue.

"Uh, wherever you'd like." Phew! Got that out of the way.

"Hmm, alright. Maybe we can go to a fancy restaurant or something. That is if only you have the money for it." She joked, tucking her hair behind her ear.

I took her hand and walked her down the steps of her front porch. "Of course I have the money. I'm never broke." I said, causing her to giggle.

Once we made it into my car, we headed out and it was my job, while driving, to find the nearest restaurant.

"So, tell me a little about yourself, Alessandra. I wanna get to know you better." I initiated a conversation.

I noticed Alessandra turn her head towards me and she started talking.

"Well, my full name is Alessandra Renee Gilmore. I'm twenty-three years old and I'll be twenty-four in October. I'm orignally from San Diego, but I moved here to LA when I was eight years old. Um, I work at the ice cream/coffee shop and I've been there since I was eighteen years old. I have two older brothers who are twenty-eight and thirty-three years old. I'm half Black and half Puerto Rican. And, I think that's about it, hehe." She gave me a through description of herself.

"Wow. That's a lot, haha."

Alessandra turned forward and looked out the window at the passing road signs. "Yeah. I know. I'm a pretty thorough explainer when it comes to my life or stories."

Later that night, we finally found a decent restaurant called "Murano's Italian Cuisine".

Alessandra and I found a nice spot under a glass chandelier.

Picking up our menus, I asked, sweetly,"What do you think you'll order here?"

Alessandra looked up from the menu and replied,"I'm thinking about the Chicken Parmesan, mashed potatoes, green beans, and for my drink, I'll get the Red Wine."

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