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                                                                               Keith's POV (cont'd)

For some reason, I can't seem to fall asleep. My mind has been on the conversation I had with Desiree. No, I'm not falling for her, and no, I don't want her back. I just feel like she's gonna come back and haunt me. 

"Babe, you still up?" Kira asked, slowly waking up.

She turned over towards me, who was sitting up, and rubbed her eyes.

"Uh, yeah, yeah. You can go back to sleep, though." I answered reassuringly.

Her expression, still uncertain, remained the same as she asked,"Keith, I know when something's up with you. C'mon and tell me. What's bothering you?"

I sighed. I rubbed the back of my neck, nervously, and replied,"Well, you know my ex girlfriend Desiree, right?"

Kira sat upright in the bed. She responded with a head nod.

I swallowed hard and continued,"Ever since we talked on the phone earlier, she's been bothering me. I mean, I feel like she's gonna come up here and do something crazy while we're sleeping. She might kill you or even me, just to gain revenge. She's dangerous, Kira. I don't want anything to happen to you."

My girlfriend's eyes widened after I explained to her.

"Um, okay....so, has she texted you to anything since we've been back?"

I shrugged. "Hmm, I dunno. I'll check, though."

I reached over to my nightstand and got my phone. I turned it on and nervously anticipated. I don't know why I'm feeling this way. I don't wanna seem like a wuss around my own girlfriend.

Then, it just so happens that I got five new texts from Desiree and sixteen missed calls.....

"Babe, look at this!" I said to Kira as I was super surprised. Either this is a coincidence or we're being watched...

She scooted closer to me and examined the screen.

"My god....this girl is crazy. Did you read the texts yet?" Kira asked with disbelief filling her voice.

"Nah, lemme see what she said." I replied.

I opened up the messaging app and then, the texts appeared:
Desiree (11:12 pm): You think you can get away just like that? Well, you thought wrong, baby....

Desiree (11:20 pm): So, you're not gonna answer me back, huh?

Desiree (11:34 pm): You son of a bitch....ANSWER THE DAMN PHONE!

Desiree (11:45 pm): It is pretty late...so you're probably fucking around with that whore you call a girlfriend....

Desiree (11:57 pm): That's it! I'm coming over there! When you see this text, tell that bitch that I'm gonna beat the shit outta her....

My heart stopped and I looked at Kira, who was also looking at them.

"Keith? THIS girl used to be YOUR girlfriend? She is C-R-A-Z-Y. Crazy!" She exclaimed.

"I know. I regret ever dating her. But, bro, she said she's coming here and that was five minutes ago and it takes five minutes to get from her house to mine. So, it only means one thing.."

Kira and I's eyes widened and we gasped. "She's here!" We exclaimed in unison.

Suddenly, we heard rapid knocks downstairs at the front door. We just sat there, contemplating. Not knowing how to react or what to do.

Friends to Lovers {ktp} | #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now