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                           Kira's POV
The following morning, I had woken up in Keith's bed with him laying right next to me.

It was my first time ever doing that with someone and it was pretty hard to believe I actually did.

I slowly got up and went downstairs to get something to drink from the kitchen.

While in the kitchen, I noticed the roses, chocolates, candles, and teddy bear was still on the table. The candles were burned out, but the roses were still in good condition.

I opened up the refrigerator and took out the jug of milk. I went into the cupboards and got myself a glass. I carefully poured the milk into my glass. Once I was done, I put the jug back into the fridge and closed the door.

I grabbed my glass and went to the table to sit down. I was so glad that today was a Saturday. That means no work and no worries.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps pitter-pattering against the stairsteps. It was Keith, finally waking up and coming downstairs.

Once he made it down, he came into the kitchen and smiled.

"Good morning, baby." He greeted me, coming closer to me and reaching out his arms to give me a hug.

I put my glass down and got up to hug him.

"Good morning to you, too, sweetie." I answered, slowly letting go of his embrace.

"Did you have a good night's sleep?" He smirked.

"Hehe, yes I did. Did you?" I asked also smirking.

"You betcha!" He replied, going to the pantry to get him something to eat.

I knew what he was implying and it was pretty stupid (hehe, just kidding).

Abruptly, I heard my phone ringing from my purse. I went over my purse that was hanging on the coat hanger, and took out my phone. The person who was calling was Woody. I didn't feel like talking to him, but I decided to.

Me: Hello?

Woody: Hey, sweetie, um, can we talk?

Me: Sure, what's up with you?

Woody: I was talking to Keith earlier yesterday and I apologized to him about what I did to you. He accepted my apology and said he'd tell you I did. Did he get?

Me: Oh, no actually. He didn't get a chance to because we were kind of busy when I came home.

Woody: Busy? Y'all were that busy that he couldn't bring that up? What were y'all doing?

Me: Umm, it's a long story, hehe.

Woody: Mhmm, you don't have to explain. I already guessed it, haha.

Me: Haha, whatever, Woody!

Woody: Ha. So, Kira, do you accept my apology? I really do mean it from the bottom of my heart...

Me: Yeah. I forgive you. The past is the past. We'll still be friends no matter what.

Woody: Ah, thank you so much, Kira. I really do mean it.

Me: No problem, bruh.

Woody: So, not being nosy or anything but, Algee told me that you got signed to that record label, huh? Congrats!

Me: Aww, thanks, Woody. I guess Keith told Algee and Algee told you. It's like a cycle! But yeah, I got signed yesterday.

Woody: I'm so proud of you, for real. Hope you make it really far!

Friends to Lovers {ktp} | #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now