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                                                                                   Keith's POV

It's been a week since I asked Kira out and this has been the best first week of my life. We've been on at least three outings since then, and I've gotten to know her even better. Even though we've known each other for exactly sixteen years, we've never gotten to know one another romantically....


Early this morning, 6 am, Kira had already left for work. I was still asleep (because I'm a late sleeper), and I missed her leaving. 

Once I finally woke up, 10 am, four hours later, my phone started to ring. 

"Dang, who's calling me this early in the morning?" I asked, turning over in my bed, annoyed.

I tried my best to ignore the never-ending ringing of my phone, but it just never seemed to stop. 

"Oh my gosh, leave me alone!" I grew even more ticked off at this moment. I was still pretty tired and I didn't feel like talking at the moment. 

So, I made the final selection to reach for my phone, which was on my nightstand. I quickly grabbed it and squinted as the light of my phone blinded me. I peeked at the number that was calling my phone. 

"Urgh, come on, man. I just woke up." I semi-yelled in annoyance.

The person who was calling me was the one and only, Algee. I tapped my finger on the "accept" button and put the phone to my ear. 

"Hello?" I answered, mid yawn. 

"Aye, Keith. Sorry to wake you up so early. I know you were probably still asleep by now because you're a late sleeper, haha." He said in a cheery voice. You knew he was up for a while just by the tone of his voice. 

I chuckled, rubbing my eyes. "Yeah, I was, but hey, I'm here now. So, what's up?" I got up from my comfortable spot and sat up in the bed. 

"Nothing much. I just decided to call you and ask you if you wanted to head to the gym later on today. I'm bored as crap right now, haha." Algee's voice was still sounding excited. 

"Aye, there's no problem with that. I'm down. What time is best? Noon?" I asked, scratching the back of my head. 

"Yeah, yeah. Sure. Noon sounds agreeable." 

"Alright, I'll link up with you there. It's the one beside the coffee shop on Oakland Street, right?" 

"Mhm, the same one we always go to. The one where that girl kept staring at us on the treadmill. You remember that? Haha." He joked. 

"Oh man! Haha, I remember that girl. She was....I mean, she wasn't ugly, but, she just wasn't my type, ya know?" I replied, following with a cackle. 

"Bruh, I don't care what nobody says. She was fine as hell. I'd go with her any day. You know what I'm sayin'?" 

"Man, whatever. I already got someone so....yeah." I added, still laughing. 

For a short while, there was an awkward silence. 

"Aye, Algee, you still there?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. 

"Y-yeah, man. I don't think I heard you right. You said you got somebody?" He asked, slowly, making sure what he was repeating was what he heard. 

"Ohhh! I never told you, did I?" I put my hand on my forehead, in shock that I haven't told one of my good friends, Algee, that I'm dating Kira. 

"Nah, you ain't told me nothing. Who's the new lady?" 

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