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                                                                                Algee's POV 

It's been almost three days since the incident between me and my ex-girlfriend, Meilin, went on. I kinda miss her but, I know that there's more in store for me than her. Recently, I've been slimming down my list of girls I like and I just can't seem to find the right one...I mean, the last person left on my list is Kira, but I know there's no way I can get with her if she's with Keith, so she'll also be crossed off my list. 


So, to alleviate the pain Meilin caused, I decided to call one of my friends, Elijah. He always knows how cheer people up when they're down.

Elijah: Aye, wassup, Algee?

Me: Not much...got some news to share with you though.

Elijah: Oh? Ight, wassup?

Me: My girl has gone crazy. When Keith and Kira were at my house to meet her, the first thing she did was come on to Keith. It was bad, so I kicked her out the house.

Elijah: For real, man? Wow. And I ain't even meet her yet and she's already gone.

Me: I know right? It really upsets me. I thought what we had was real.

Elijah: I can imagine how you feel, man. Well, who's gonna be your new crush?

Me: I mean, I still like Kira, but that's a different story. I'm telling you, man, she's just unforgettable. Keith got him a woman.

Elijah: Man, I'm telling you. To be honest, I think about her as well. But, constantly I have to tell myself to stop and respect that she's now with Keith.

Me: Same, man. To be honest, you always quiet when it comes to relationships. I never knew you like her like that.

Elijah: Algee, I think you may have bumped your head or something because clearly the other day, us and the rest of the crew were having a conversation about her. You forgot, haha?

Me: Oh, yeah, haha. I forgot. I'm getting old, man, hehe.

Elijah: Shut up, you ain't old!! But yeah, man. Just be respectful of her and Keith's relationship, alright? You can like from afar but don't be like Woody, haha.

Me: No! Definitely not like him, haha.

Elijah: Haha.

Me: Ha, but yeah. I will make sure to do so. Talk to you later, man.

Elijah: Alright. Peace!

Me: Peace!

                     Keith's POV
It was 10 am, and I had woken up to the sunlight piercing through my window, shinning into Kira's face. She was stil asleep, sleepy soundly and peacefully. I tried not to make any noise as I reached over the nightstand to get my phone.

I got my phone and unlocked it. The first thing I saw were notifications from Instagram. I put in my phone's passcode and went straight to Instagram.

The notifications I was getting were DMs. I tapped on the chat room and noticed it was from one of my old girlfriends. I knew this because of her username: chocobunny24

The texts read:

Chocobunny24: Hey, Keith. I know we haven't spoken in forever but, I miss you, baby 💯💟

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