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                                                                             Kira's POV

The following morning, Keith and I started packing our bags. My mom called and said that the funeral will be in two days, a Sunday, so we decided to leave now. 

For some reason, this morning I felt nauseous and my body just felt different than normal. I don't know what's up, but what I really had to focus on was my family.

After we packed all of our bags, we headed out the door, got into the car, and headed to the airport. 

I honestly didn't want the next time that I'd go to Sacramento to be for my father's funeral. Why did this have to happen? Why do people, especially my dad who's close to me, have to die? 

"Kira, are you okay?" Keith asked, holding my hand and his other hand on the steering wheel. 

I looked away from the window and at Keith and said,"Not really. I just wasn't expecting any of this to happen any time soon, but, I'm pretty sure I'll be fine later on." 

He nodded and continued focusing on the road. I turned back to the window and saw the approaching airport from a distance. I really do hope all of this goes smoothly and we can all realize that Dad is now in a better place. The only funeral I've been to was my great-grandma's; I was only 4 years old when she died. So, I kinda forgot how these funerals work. 


It was now 2 pm and we arrived in Sacramento at my parent's house. The atmosphere was totally different without Dad there. It's like everything in the house was dead....

At the house, my mom's mom, my grandmother, was there to comfort Mom, Carter, and I. I'm glad she's here because she always knows how to make everyone feel better. 

Everyone was sitting down in the living room and we were talking and catching up with each other. "So, Kira," My grandmother started. "I see you're still with this young man." She pointed to Keith and smiled at him. 

I smiled and replied,"Yes, ma'am. We've been dating for about a few weeks to a month now." 

Keith and I both looked at each other, holding hands, and had the same toothy smile across our faces. 

"So, young man, how long have you known my granddaughter? She's talked about you since she was about 7 or 8 years old, so you know that's a long time, hehe." My grandma added with her well-known surprisingly youthful glow. To be 70 years old, she looked about 50 or younger! 

Holding on to my hand tighter, Keith said to Grandma, still keeping that infectious smile on his face,"Yes, ma'am. Since we were about 7 or 8 years old; 3rd grade. I loved her ever since." Keith leaned over to me and kissed me on the cheek. 

My mother and my grandmother both said,"Aw, how cute.", but my little brother, also in the room said,"Ew." and pretended to gag. We all laughed at him. 

"I bet little man over here still believes in cooties, don't you?" Keith asked Carter, still laughing. 

Carter nodded and laughed as well. "Yeah. Everyone in my school has the cooties touch! Ew! Cooties!" 

I rolled my eyes, jokingly, and chuckled. 

A few minutes later, my grandma asked another question about Keith and I. "I know it isn't my place to ask you babies this but--you know what, let's have Carter leave the room for a second. Carter, baby, go on in the kitchen and we'll call you back in when we're done talking, okay?" 

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