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                        Algee's POV

After everyone left the hospital, I began to feel more and more alone as time went by. The accident was, no doubt, really scary and I thought I was gonna die, but luckily, I didn't.


The day went by faster than usual since all I was doing for most of the day was sleep and eat.

While I was looking at the ceiling, just reflecting on my life, I noticed a nurse walked in the room. I looked away from the ceiling and faced her.

"How are you doing so far, Mr. Smith?" She asked with the sweetest tone of voice and a smile.

I smiled back and replied,"I'm doing better, thanks for asking."

She walked over to the hospital bed and started fixing my pillows and sheets for me so I'd be more comfortable.

"Ah, thanks, ma'am. I appreciate it." I thanked her, as she finished placing another pillow behind my head.

"Oh, no worries, sir. And by the way, you don't have to call me 'ma'am', just call me Kat or Nurse Kat. Short for Katlyn." She reassured me, tucking her long, curly hair behind her right ear.

I shook my head and gave off a warm smile. "Hmm, okay, Nurse Kat. Since you tell me to just call you Kat, you must be near the same age as me, huh?"

"Right you are. Hehe. I'm 22 years old. I'm about a year younger." Kat replied, looking down and kicking her foot against the tiled floor.

Wow, she's only 22? I'm not gonna lie, I could've sworn she was at least 2 years younger than me, but, I guess I was wrong. To be honest, she was kinda cute. 

"You sure don't look your age," I said, chuckling. "You look like you're about 19 or something like that." 

She blushed and replied,"You think so? I mean, I've always gotten that I look either 23 or 24; older than my actual age, but, I appreciate the compliment, though." 

"No problem, Kat. I always like to state the facts." I intended to flirt a little bit. 

Her cheeks became red and her caramel complexion shimmered in the light of the room. 

Suddenly, we heard footsteps coming closer and closer to the room until someone appeared at the door frame. Kat turned around and she waved at the man who walked in. I presumed he was a male nurse. 

"Hey, Kat. Time for our lunch break." He announced; having a huge smile embedded on his face. 

She walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder. "Okay, Brett," she then turned around to face me, with her pretty smile still on her face. "Um, Mr. Smith, I'll be back soon to check up on you, okay?" 

I nodded and uncovered a toothy smile. "Sure thing. Thanks." 

Kat nodded and her and the male nurse disappeared after that. 

I don't know if this is just a phase or whatever, but, I think I'm kinda falling for Nurse Kat. I mean she's pretty and she's nice (even though we just met a few minutes ago). We'll see how it all turns out later. What I really need to be focusing on is getting out of this hospital and recovering.

My car's all messed up and....dang it! I forgot to ask Kira and the guys, when they were here, about picking me up and taking me back home. How am I gonna figure this all out? 


                                                             Kira's POV        

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