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                            Kira's POV
It was 11 am. Everyone, Woody, Elijah, Luke, and Bryshere were at the hospital and we were worried sick about Algee. We didn't know if he was doing okay or not.

All of us were in the waiting room, sitting in our leather seats. I sat next to Keith and everyone else sat in the other available seats.

I was nervously biting my nails, anticipating the news we were supposed to be getting from the doctors.

"Damn, man. Why did this have to happen to Algee? Out of all the people in the world, it just had to be him to get in an accident." Keith uttered, under his breath, tapping his feet on the floor.

We all looked up at him and sighed, not knowing how to answer the question. We were asking that question in our heads.

"Hmm, I dunno. I'm really starting to get a little worried, though. How long have you guys been here since I got here?" I said, glancing at everyone.

Woody cleared his throat, and managed to answer,"Before you came, we were here for at least ten minutes. Right guys?"

I looked at everyone's faces and they nodded.

"Oh, okay. It should be a little while before the doctors and nurses give us the news. Everything will be just fine." I told everyone with a warm smile, and hope filling my voice.

Suddenly, I noticed Keith's hand touch mine and he held it; looking up at me with a trusted smile.

"Yeah, guys. Everything'll be alright. The doctors are going to give us good news instead of bad. Let's be optimistic like we always are." He answered, looking for everyone's reaction.

The guys shook their head in agreement, and smiled.

"You're right, man." Luke agreed. "Let's all just hope and pray for the best."

"Mmhm, it's all we can do at this point." Elijah convinced us.

"So, let's just look on the bright side of things, now. Let's talk about how life's going for us so far." I changed the subject, causing everyone to become optimistic.

Keith held on to my hand tighter and began to speak. "Well, I'm glad we're back together, Kira." He glanced at me with a smile and winked.

"I'm glad we are too, babe." I replied, doing the same.

Everyone's reaction was the confused one.

"Wait, you guys broke up or somethin?" Bryshere asked, scratching his head.

I titled my head to the side and shrugged a little. "Not necessarily. It's a long story, but the good thing is, we're back together."

At that moment, I felt a peck on my left cheek coming from Keith. I blushed as everyone was looking at us smiling. Admiring our relationship.

"Y'all are so cute. You know that?" Luke said in a joking tone.

We all laughed. A few minutes later, after talking and laughing with my friends, a doctor came to give us the news.

"Doctor, is everything alright?" I shot up from my seat walking towards her, and so did everyone else.

The doctor gave me a sympathetic, half smile. "Well, he's not dead. There's your first,"           

"Phew! Thank God." I exerted.

Keith put his arm around me and spoke to the doctor as well.

"Well, ma'am, can you explain to us the other news as well?"

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