the bite

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(H) Hey Rica happy birthday (r) thanks Haley well I have to go home I guess I'll see y'all tomorrow. (T) ok hey tell you mom and dad I said hi (r) ok i will bye.*rica walks to the gym door * (t) hey Haley can I talk to you for a secound (h) yeah what's up? (T) theirs this video I want you to look up its called "dead by the minute" it's a funny video check it out and tell me when you see it. (H) ok. *the gym door slams and a girly screen comes from the other side * (h) rica is that you ? (T) get away from the door so we can open it. *a man is holding on to rica. * (r) let me go someone help me! (T) Haley stay right her ok I'll be back. (H) ok hurry. (T) hey she said let go of her jerk so move now! *the man looks at timothy and bites ricas hand makeing rice cry in pain* (t) HEY. *timothy grand a pole that was knocked over and hits the man on the back and grabs Rica and takes her inside *(t) rica are you ok. (R) hey fucking took a clean chunch right out of me I'm not ok. (T) Mrs Valentine we need you . (M.v) I'm here what happend to her? (T) some asshole out side bite her when she was trying to leave . (M.v) you two come with me to help her to my office ok. *Haley and Timothy grabs ricas hand and follows mrs.Valentine to her nursing office.*

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