lock down

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(M.v) ok timothy and Haley you put rica on the table let me see what I'm working with rice stay still ok. (R) it hurts so bad hurry. (T) Haley you have blood all over your hands go wash it off. (H) ok. (M.v) I need y'all to stay here with rica real quick while I go and grab the principle I new to tell him to call an ambulance. (T) ok but hurry back . *mrs.valintine lever to go find the principle while timothy and Haley watches rica.* (t) Rica are you going to be ok. (R) I'm starting to feel a little light head go grab n the trash can .*timithy cmgrabs the trash can and hands it to rica * (h) let it all out rica it's gonna be ok. *rica starts throwing up blood timothy and Haley just watches her while the nurse is still running around. * (t) come on mrs.valintine where are you. *with mrs valinetine* "ok Felipe where at you at you have to be around here somewhere "(f) valintine run now go ! (m.v) what's going on ? (F) they are attacking everyone... everyone in the gym are dead run now ! * mrs.valintine see a group of people running towards her and she runs back to her office with Felipe with the kids.* (t) what's going on why do y'all look scared is something wrong ?. (M.v) i don't know Felipe told me to run then I saw a bunch of people attacking each other then running toward us. (F) we all need to get out of here now. (T) what do you mean attacking each other? (F) they are eating each other out their. *the door opens three people run in and closed the door fast behind them. (T) dezzy,Paula,and Seth what are y'all doing here (d) we need a place to hide from those things out their. (S) is she dead ?
*everyone looks towards rica ...she was dead I the nurses table Haley closes the door to the office and moved with the others to the main room. * (t) we need to get out of here guys .

People Of The Undead :the InfectionWhere stories live. Discover now