The family-friendly dinner

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**Anisia's POV**

I love weekends, but duh..who doesn't?! But today is Sunday and unfortunately tomorrow is the first day of the week. I had already arranged with Su to go to her place to hang out or maybe watch another heart rendering romance movie which I totally hate, but she so intensely adores. God that " Notebook" she made me watch, made me cry for half an hour even when the credits had started. I never forgave her for that. It totally messed up with my brain.

Nevermind, I got ready and went down the stairs to aproach my mum. Yeah, I knew she would ask me if I finished my homework and where I was going and how long I will be there. I kind of had that ability to see what will happen in my life 5 minutes ahead of time.

" Hey sweety, where..."

I didn't even wait for her to end her question because I already knew it. Fuck. But she was used to that. So I just covered all of her questions.

"I am going to Su's for maybe a movie or something. Yes, I already did my homework." I said and aproached the door but then turned back as I forgot to answer one.

"I will not be late. 10 p.m. the latest."

" Ok honey. Have a nice time," mom said and turned back to her TV show.

Yeah, I guess you have already noticed that I only mentioned my mum. The story is kind of sad, but after so many years I guess I have got over it, not sure about my mum though.

14 years ago when I was three, my dad left us. I used to freak out both of my parents with my superpowers, as I call them now. I would say my mum's words before she says them, I knew when the bell would ring and would run to the door, I would go and grab the phone before it rings and so on. Because of these bisare actions of mine, both of my parents were scared of me, but my dad mostly. At some point he would start telling my mum that I was obsessed by a demon or I am the devil's child etc. So not long after that he just took his things and left the house, not to be seen again.

My mum endured it worse than me. She was crying and drinking for a few months after. Well, she was left alone to put up with a freak-show like me... So I guess I don't blame her. Besides, we ended up having a very nice and warm relationship. I know she got used to my powers and we love each other more than anything. We are all that we have after all.

I really got lost in my thoughts while I was walking towards Su's house. She wasn't living very near, around half an hour walk. Though I like walking, so I don't mind at all. It was giving me the possibility to think and relax.

Now about Su. I never had friends till high school. All my classmates and children from my secondary and elementary school knew me from the period that I was trying to show off with my superpowers. They were young and I was stupid to think that they would like me more if they saw my powers, but the exact opposite happened. They feared me and hated me. No one ever got closer to me after that.

Anyway, in high school I decided to play it normal and I gave an oath to myself to never show my powers again in public. So then I met Susan Peterson, one of my classmates. She is literally awesome. Even though some old secondary school mates continued spreading rumors about me and calling me different nicknames, few people would believe them, because I looked totally fine and ordinary.

So from first year in high school till this senior year, Su and I are best friends. We are always together and we tell each other our deepest secrets, except one. My powers are kept in secret from everyone else except my mum. They had destroyed my life enough.

Five minutes before I reached Su's front door I had a vision of her opening the door and telling me that surprise surprise her parents had organized a family dinner and she hadn't told me.

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