Chapter 2

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Luke's P.O.V
I'm just sitting, alone, depressed. I tried to find Leia but no matter how hard I searched for her I couldn't find her. I think I'm just starting to realise that she's actually gone.

The police were searching for her too for 2 weeks til they gave up ,her parents and I had a conversation, They didn't blame me or though I blame myself because she was getting an outfit for our date.

I knock on Leia's door.

Her parents open in with a ray of hope on there face but are put down when they don't find her standing there. 'Just regular old Luke' I think

"Any luck?" I ask hopeful

"I'm sorry Luke," Her mom replies sweetly hugging me

"Sit down Luke, you're exhausted," Her dad says smiling weakly

"Nonsense," I state "I have to find Leia,"

"Luke, leave it, just go home for a few days, we'll take over," Her dad assures

I give up "fine, but only a few days,"

"We're proud of you Luke, thank you for caring about our daughter." Her mom thanks me

"How couldn't I, She's beautiful," I say which causes them to smile

"You need a ride?" he dad offers

"No Mr Graves," I tell him

"Call me Dad and call her mom," He says putting his hand on my shoulder

-----end of flashback

Although I hate to admit it, rest was what I needed. I think I need a little more though.

Maggie's P.O.V
I'm just playing the piano currently. I'm waiting for Theo so we can plan what do you o for our 4 month anniversary.

I really want us to do something romantic and I think Theo and I will do something great.

I hear footsteps behind me and thinking it's Theo I turn, I see no one and just look back tot the piano, There standing in front of it is someone dressed in all black they look like a robber, They punch me straight in the face which makes me feel very dizzy.

I just see there face and realise who it is.

"It's you....." suddenly everything turns black

Kidnapper's P.O.V
This is just to easy,

I carry her body to my car and quickly speed of.

Theo's P.O.V
I walk casually into the recording studio expecting to see Maggie playing the piano, Weird, That's where she said she'd be.

Parker walks past

"Hey Parker, Was Maggie here?" I ask

"Yeah, happily playing the piano," She tells me

"Did you see where she went?" I question and she shrugs and walks away.

Mr T then approaches me with a letter in his hand

"Theo, Someone left this letter with your name on it," He says handing in to me.

"Thanks, Do you know who it's from?" I question

"Nope, It was just lying on my desk," He confirms

"Thanks Mr T," I thank

"Anytime Theo," He says patting my shoulder and then turning away

I look back to the piano and sit down on the bench, Opening up the letter

As soon as I see it my eyes widen

It reads 'Dear Theo

We have your girlfriend along with Luke's

You're never going to find her though

We'll have some fun with her and Leia 😉


Anger and frustration boils up inside of me.

First Leia and now Maggie, who's next?

He better not touch Maggie, I'm just assuming it's a boy.

What if it's a girl, That would just be stuffed up.

Luke's P.O.V
As I yawn I hear a knock on my door, Hoping it's Leia I fix my hair and beg really excited.

A part of me hopes she's going to be there but the other half of me knows it's not her.

I open it my hope is soon exchanged with a depressed and emotional looking Theo, I don't think I'v ever seen him like this

"Maggie's gone," He states

Oh no, Is all I think.

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