Chapter 11

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Maggie's P.O.V
"Theo," I exclaim breathing heavily, "When did you get here?"

"I don't know when," He replies, I keep staring at him that I don't even notice myself tied to a chair, or the yells coming from our friends including the other guy which I didn't know were here to help them...Theo and I were just stuck in our own little world.

Britney completely ignores everyone now and just walks over to Leia.....Leia must've opened her mouth and said something...classic Leia. Always speaking her mind. It's a quality. A good one at times but not at this particular moment.

Leia's P.O.V
"Trying to confront me and be right again i see, but you never are," I ask intimidatingly, she snarls at my comment but just walks off. She out of the door but then comes back and hangs in the doorframe "I'm killing you first,"

After that dramatic comment she's out. It's makes me worried though. Death. Never really liked thinking about that topic that much.

------------Couple days later

Britney's P.O.V
"Bring them there," I order to Daniel "Tully, Charlie, Alfie and I will meet you there,"

He simply nods. Good. He's a keeper. He won't be a screw up in this plan.

Michelle's P.O.V
I'm starting to lose hope....since the bigs came I thought there would be a chance we could get out of this. But I've found no solution. Instead we are even more confused then before. How will we escape?

Daniel enters and suddenly everything turns black......

Riley's P.O.V
Daniel's knocking us out one by one........When Daniel comes to me I hear James threaten him. I smile at how great a boyfriend he is. Always trying to protect me even if he can't.

"Don't do it or you'll feel real pain Daniel....Not just your ankle," James threatens

The thing is now, I'm so used to feeling the pain. We've been spiralled in here so long that I can't remember a time where I wasn't being hurt.

"I'm sorry," Daniel whispers into my ear before I feel pain in my face and see darkness.

No ones P.O.V (Luke's Nightmare.)

Luke and Leia danced, They rested their foreheads against each other's. Leia put her arms gently around his neck. He placed his hands around her waist.

They felt so in love and alive.

They stared in each other's eyes.

The feeling of Luke's skin was giving Leia tingles and sending sparks through her body.

Luke could feel his heart beating out of his chest.

This moment was perfect......

Not for the girl watching though.....Maggie. She was mad that Leia was with Luke, they had a truce and she broke it. Why did Leia get to break it?

Leia was meant to be with Luke in her minds eye, Leia was going to pay.....badly.

Maggie made sure the two were to caught up in each other that they wouldn't realise what she was about to do.

This was the only way Maggie would be pleased. She was going to kill Leia. She did t care about he long term affect, all she wanted was the satisfaction of revenge.

Luke smiled at Leia thinking about how his smile could never fade tonight, obviously not aware of the chance that it could.

Maggie snuck behind Leia and put a gun to her head. Leia felt something cold pressed to her temple.

Luke had a look of horror on his face, he couldn't believe what was happening. Maggie was holding Leia to gunpoint

Leia's breath hitched as she realised what was happening.

"Please don't do this," Luke pleased reaching for the gun.

Maggie shouted "No, Come any closer and I'll shoot her,"

This was a serious matter....Death. What was the reason for this?

"Why?" Luke asked on the verge of tears, He couldn't lose her now, not like this. He couldn't lose the most important thing in his life.

"You.....We had a truce, she was allowed to break it but I wasn't, and now you two are together," Maggie explained, "I like you and Leia is such a hoe, she doesn't deserve you,"

Luke felt hot and livid, his jaw clenched, he scrunched his fist and his heart began to race.

"Seriously," Luke yells "I don't want to be the reason she dies,"

"Well you will be, any last words Leia" Maggie asks

At this point tears stream down her face, it was hard for her to prepare for the pain she was going to feel, physically and emotionally.

Luke looked sadly at Leia.....afraid this was going to end. How could Maggie be so heartless.

Leia couldn't talk, she was just to overwhelmed. She didn't want to utter her last words to Luke just yet. She wanted to grow up with him and have a eventful future....But that wasn't possible anymore.

Luke knew Leia wouldn't speak up yet since she was in such shock, so he started for her. Luke always managed to cheer Leia up but he didn't think he could do that in this situation.

This matter was serious.

"I'm going to miss you," Luke starts

"I'm going to miss you too," Leia replies

Maggie rolls her eyes knowing this will take a bit if time.

"I love you....and I never got tell you that but now you know....I love you Leia Graves." He said, he couldn't hug her though so he just remained where he was standing, weakly smiling his girlfriend  "But Leia just so you know. You're going to live,"

Maggie can't risk anything at this second so quickly pulls the trigger, a loud sharp scream is heard coming from Leia. She falls into Luke's trembling arms a pool of blood spilling in his arms and on the floor.

Tears cascaded down his cheeks, his proper chance to say goodbye was cut short. He didn't actually think that Maggie was actually going to kill Leia, but she did.

"LEIA!" He screamed terrified at the sight, he held her close but knew it was to late.....Leia was gone and it was basically all his fault.

Luke's P.O.V
"I can't lose you Leia," I scream, causing someone beside me to jump.....

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