Chapter 10

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Mr T's P.O.V
Leia's gone. Maggie's Gone. Riley and Michelle are gone. Now on top of that all Luke, James, John and Theo are gone.

Someone is responsible for this. But neither Parker or I know who it was. It's very serious.

"Who could've it been?" Parker asks,

"I don't know," I state honestly

The police are still involved. We need a miracle to find them. One Miracle.

Theo's P.O.V
Britney left us all in this room. Alfie, Tully, Daniel and Charlie excluded. She left us with no food. No entertainment. Left the boys with their girls at least to talk to. For me, No. Maggie's frozen. Literally.

She'll have pneumonia or hypothermia when she's defrosted. That's serious business.

I don't focus on what he others are saying, my eyes are glued to Maggie. How is Britney so heartless?

What Maggie could have could seriously kill her. Does she know how much this will affect me if that's the case? If she dies I'll have nothing left, nothing.

"How is she even going to defrost?" I question, speaking my mind

"Theo, Maggie's going to be okay...I'm sure Britney's not going to actually let her die," Luke assures, I nod trying to stay positive and agree with his statement.

Tully enters after Luke's statement. He's carrying a sledge hammer in his hands.

"Don't you touch Riley or it'll be the end of you," James threatens snarling, becoming very overprotective over Riley. I can imagine why though. I would be as well if she wasn't frozen.

"Don't flatter yourselves, I'm using this to break the ice," Tully starts, smashing the ice from the top.

Wait. Is Tully helping us?

"And you're going to let us go?!" Leia asks, I can tell she's getting her hopes up.

But I should know that he isn't. He's to cruel.

"No, These were Britney's orders," He says, smashing the ice again.

"What are you going to do after you break the ice?" John asks

"Give her a warm bath," He answers, smashing the ice with the sledge hammer once again. He's nearly done.

"That doesn't sound like something Britney would order," Michelle states

"That's because she didn't," Tully smiles, finally breaking all the ice and catching Maggie as she falls into his arms, unconscious. "I'm not heartless, I do really hope you guys get out of this,"

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe his own brother Isaac was wrong about him. Maybe he's doing this for a deeper reason than Mary.

He brings Maggie over to me. "You can give one kiss,"

I smile gratefully, planting a kiss on her forehead and feel her heart. She's breathing. Luckily.

He takes her out. She's in safe hands. Well, hopefully.

Luke's P.O.V
"So what's happened at the studio since we got kidnapped?" Riley questions

"Nothing unusual," John replies

I notice Leia looking down. It's worrying, I hope everything's okay.

"Leia what is it?" I ask, she looks up from her lap to look at me "I mean besides this whole situation,"

All eyes in the room are on her now. Just waiting for her to give us the answers. She's uncomfortable. I can tell....I know my girlfriend

"I'm scared," she responds, judging by her facial expression I know she's trying not to break down "What if we never get out of here, What if we all eventually die. But even getting a chance to live our lives?"

"Hey, Hey don't worry," I reassure her, giving her a weak smile to comfort her "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise,"

Suddenly Britney is standing in the door frame clapping her hands. What a Bitch.

"If this was a movie I'd totally see it," She states but soon cackles like the witch she really is "Just Kidding, Romance makes me sick,"

"Cause you'll never find anyone," Leia smirks, Great...Adding to the pain. Seeing Leia get hurt.

Surprisingly all of us boys are just tied up to a chair, no injuries while the girls look like they had boxed against Rocky. And lost. Badly.

Britney walks over to Leia, and quickly takes her by the neck. Strangling her.

"STOP!!!" I shout repetitively, but she doesn't.

Leia's P.O.V
I'm losing breath, it's so hard to breath, but I'm holding on....For Luke.

I hear Luke's remarks to stop, but they sound distant.

I know I'm going red..not blushing. Just red from needing to breathe.

I brought myself for these consequences "You know it's true, that's why you are doing this," I whisper, I sound like a fish out of water, begging to be thrown back in.

"It's not true," She cries finally releasing her grip on my neck, I gasp for air. I've never felt so close to death....Never

I'm still catching my breath when I remind myself of the times and I used to play games to see who could hold their breath for the longest and it was actually entertaining. Just was not a game. It was a life of death situation.

I almost just died from something my friends and I used to joke about, for a laugh.

I'm brought back from my train of thoughts by Luke rushing over to me.....How did he escape the chair?

"Are you okay?" He asks, stroking my cheek but I wince since their is a deep cut there. "Sorry," He apologises

I do the thing I've been waiting to do for ages.....I plant a kiss on his lips, he kisses back. To intensify the moment I close my eyes. I don't no if he does because I can't see. Logic people. That's when I feel him pulling away.......I open my eyes to see him being dragged away by an annoyed looking Britney and somehow he is already seated back in his chair.

Maggie's P.O.V
I scream in pain as Tully who was being surprisingly nice before throws me to the cold hard ground. I'm not even capable to stand on two feet

I've never wanted to stand more desperately.

I remember in school when we had to stand for at least 1 minute and I'd just dread it and complain to sit back down, as did the other students (A.N does this happen at anyone else's school too.) Now I'd give anything for the ability to stand.

My body feels so numb, I can barely crawl. I might as well be a human popsicle that has melted.

I shut my eyes tightly hoping when I open them again that this torture will be over and would've just been some wicked dream. But reality is telling me it's not. This is real. Not fake.

But then there's a scream for Britney to help me and it's coming from the best person I know....Theo

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