Chapter 5

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Luke's P.O.V
Theo, James, John and I sit around a table in Java Junction, We are all trying to figure out who could've possibly taken the girls away.

James was determined it was Alfie while all the rest of us nodded, We aren't saying it couldn't of been Alfie but we just aren't sure.

Saying That..........I really miss her, Leia.  I miss everything about her and that's all the thoughts that's been bombarded in my head recently but it's the honest truth.

How could this happen? I swear as soon as I find her she's never going out of my sight again......I'll hold her tightly in my arms telling her that I love her and never letting her go.

I sigh and so do the other boys, "Guys how do we find them?" I ask

"I don't know," John says,

"There's got to be a way," Theo says

We all sit just trying to think of another plan, the one with Richelle nearly worked but it just didn't go well at the end like we had planned it to.

But at least Richelle didn't end up getting kidnapped like all the other girls did, If she did Noah would've killed us, like literally killed us.

"Guys I think we should call the police again, I mean before they didn't take it seriously but maybe they will now," I suggest

"If they didn't help the first time then they certainly won't help the second Luke," James says

"Why won't they help?" Theo questions, This is probably the one time I've seen Theo worried, he's always so chill but this situation has damaged him

"Who knows," I sigh

Riley's P.O.V
I stare at the thing I've been looking at for two days straight, a green brick on a fully white wall, God knows why it's like that, maybe it's a mind trick.

"You were so full of grace," Maggie weakly sings "Don't ever want to leave this place,"

She hums the rest of the tune obviously forgetting the rest of the lyrics to the song. Leia soon joins in and their voices together match so well, it's kind of calming to hear in this situation.

I look over to Michelle whose trying to entertain herself by eye dancing since she can't dance because A she's tied to the hair and B she's damaged physically...............We all are

Britney has hurt us a lot, Bringing in Alfie, Tully, Daniel and Charlie to hurt them even more.

Isaac had told James about his brother and Isaac was right, I can't believe Daniel would do this to me, we've been friends for ages, Same with Charlie, after breaking up with him we agreed to be friends and we were, till this. Most of all I can't believe Alfie, Why would he do this?

Why would Britney do this? She had no reasoning. The excuse for reasoning she gave to us before is pathetic.

Soon realisation reaches my head, I had my phone, I think I can still feel it in my pocket.

Leia's P.O.V
"Guys," Riley interrupts Maggie and I's rendition of 'Full of Grace' and Michelle's eye dancing.

"Yes," Maggie replies on behalf of Michelle and I

"I think my phones in my pocket," She whispers but so it's loud enough for the rest of us to hear. I want to rejoice in relief but if i did it would be to loud and the others would hear and I don't want to be hit again.

I had been hit do hard before that I'm pretty sure it's a 2 month old bruise, of however long we've been here for.

"Well whose going to get it?" Michelle questions

"I will," I volunteer, what could possibly go wrong.

I use the chair like one of those poker sticks, accept it's a chair, and I could fall on my face at any moment, but I see an opportunity to get out of this place and I'm not going to waste it.

Michelle and Maggie whisper words of encouragement as I keep hopping to the chair. I finally reach Riley, close enough to get the phone from the pocket and I see Riley's pocket, for my luck the phone is about to fall out so I can quickly snatch it.

I do and soon the phone is in my hands "What's the password?" I ask her

She blushes slightly before telling me "James" She replies

I smile at how much those two love each other, they broke up but now they are back together and are stronger than ever, I know the text has to be sent to James.

I go on her contacts to find his name first, There are a number of worried texts from him mostly going like 'Where are you?' or 'I miss you' or 'Please tell me you're fine' I smile slightly

"What?" Riley's asks

"Just smiling at how cute you and James are," I tell her

I send a text reading 'Help' I'm about to right another when Britney enters the room, she's sees the phone in my hand and smacks it out.

She soon knocks all the other girls out with her fist, She then comes over to me. "You miss your ugly little boyfriend, you is his kisses," She teases, I sigh that exactly one of the things I miss, I miss many more things but that one stands out the most, I miss how gentle his lips feel on mine, the taste of them.

Soon I'm interrupted by roughs lips on mine, they're Charlie's and it's not pleasing. I soon feel a pain on my face and everything turns black, all that is ahead of me is darkness.

James' P.O.V
Piper rushes into Java Junction with my phone, I gave it to her so I could stop staring at pictures of me and Riley and miss her way to much and also stop getting slutty calls from Beth who now thinks since Riley has been kidnapped she can hit on me.

"James!" Piper shouts, I roll my eyes

"What did I tell you, I don't want to take any calls or see any texts," I shoot, I don't mean to have this attitude towards Piper and she knows that, Riley is just the one who's on my mind right now.

"Trust me you want to see this text," She assures practically throwing the phone on the table, I see my prayers have finally been answered, It's from Riley.

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