Chapter 6

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Theo's P.O.V
James stares shocked at his phone, He has a slight smile on his face, it's kind of making me uncomfortable that his eyes are so wide right now, Also the suspense is killing me...........Who is it texting him?

Apparently John felt the same way as me because he yells "Who is it?"

"Riley," He replies, I feel we have a chance now, I get the feeling I should buckle up. To show I am happy I sigh the hugest sigh of relief.

"What does it say?" Luke, John and I chorus staring at him

"Just Help," He replies

"Just the word help?" John asks

"No address!?" Luke asks, James shakes his head

"Are they dumb!?" I say "Now there's no hope,"

That is when Hannah and Eva enter the Junction and hear what we said "Sorry to interrupt," Hannah says

"Yes!?" John asks

"You know Nate could track them down," Eva exclaims, they defiantly have our attention now "He's really good with technology,"

"Really?" We all ask, We knew he was good with making ringtones but we didn't also know he was good at technology stuff.

"Yes," The both respond in sync. We know what we have to do.

Nate's P.O.V
I'm currently sitting in the bullpen drinking a juice I got from Java Junction, I am making a ringtone for Mr T and Parker. I know what to do for Parker but I haven't figured one out for Mr T yet.

I go through the keys on the keyboard again, trying to come up with a new tune.

Coming up with a new beat is hard because I've made so many ringtones and most beats have been used before.

I can sense 4 people standing in front of my keyboard, I look up to see James, Luke, Theo and John...........This should be good.

John's P.O.V
"Yes," Nate says waiting for what we want him to do.

"Can you track where the girls are from James' phone?" Luke asks handing Nate the phone

"I can try," He says,

I hope he can track the girls down because I really miss Michelle, like a lot. Even though we would avoid each other most of the time I still miss seeing her face every day. Every time she wasn't at the next step I would wonder what the reason was, Did something happen to her?

Britney's P.O.V
As soon as I get the phone I turn Riley's location off on her phone. Now if her boy toy tries to find her he can't because there's no location.

They were so close to getting out of here but I'm not going to let them.

James' P.O.V
I pace the floor of the bullpen, None of the boys are telling me to stop pacing because they are equalling with my worry for each of the girls they love.

If we find Riley........I mean all the girls depends if Nate can track Riley's phone.

I really hope he can. He's playing around with the settings....well that's what he told us.

He now enters the room

"How did it go?" Theo asks as we all cross our fingers

"I couldn't do it," He responds "I'm sorry I couldn't help,"

John pats his shoulder "At least you tried," John assures, Nate gives us a small smile and then goes back to doing whatever he was doing.

Whoever the kidnapper is, they are to smart for us.

Luke's P.O.V
We all sit in the recording studio, I think I speak for everyone when I say we feel defeated.

"This whole mess started because I left Leia alone at the mall to shop for our date, This is all my fault," I sigh, James pats my shoulder

"You didn't know something would happen, At least you didn't leave her when you knew something fishy was going on." James says

"And I left Maggie alone in the Rose Room," Theo admits

"And for me Michelle, I left her alone just as someone was kidnapping Riley," John says

"Why are we so stupid?" We all ask ourselves out loud in sync.

I can't bare to imagine the pain Leia is in right now.......scratches and scars all over her, bruises that will be practically blue and I can't bare to think of a tear escaping her eye.

The one thing I know is when I find her I'm going to apologise for not protecting her.......Again I think I speak on behalf of all of the boys when I say we we'll find them.

I'll find Leia. Not matter how hard

John's P.O.V
I'll find Michelle and when I do I'll never let go.

James' P.O.V
I'll find Riley. She's the one thing that's constant in my life, and I need her.

Theo's P.O.V
I'll find Maggie, I'll suffer any pain to make sure she's safe.

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