Chapter 12

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(This chapter is a little darker. Meaning they are thinking more about dying.)
Luke's P.O.V
I don't feel those tight ropes around my hands and legs anymore. I'm not tied to a chair anymore.

The ropes aren't giving me rope burn from wriggling my wrists to much.

I can't move. I have the freedom to move. I just don't have enough strength to.

I gaze beside me to notice Leia, she's awake and trying to stand but she can't.

Britney's basically disabled my girlfriend, and I need to help her. Leia needs my help.

"Babe, Let me help you," I offer, taking her hands and he,ping her to her feet.

Once we are both successfully standing she gives me a weak but genuine smile in gratitude.

We don't really have complete freedom. In reality we are trapped in a different room.

The difference is that this room has no doors. No escapes.

Mr T's P.O.V
We've finally found a miracle and it's all thanks to James' mom.

Michelle's P.O.V
No way out.....Less hope. This will all be over soon, but that doesn't mean I want it to be.

I'm going to die. We're going to die. It's the reality. There is no denying it.

John reassures me and I calm down for a short amount of time, then I start overthinking again.

I don't think it's the hardest on me. It's the hardest on John.

John's P.O.V
Britney never said she'd kill us boys but she did guarantee that she was going to kill all of the girls.

I don't know if I can deal with the pain of death again...I can't watch Michelle slip away like my mom did.

Its hard. Death is life changing. Life ruining.

And I certainly can't survive without Michelle. She's basically the only reason I've held on all this time.

For Michelle.

Michelle makes me happy to be alive....Michelle is my happiness and there's no way I can loose her.

Theo's P.O.V
I'm worried about Maggie. She doesn't want to admit that she's ill.

I mean she was frozen for goodness sake

"Babe, Do you feel okay?" I ask, following Maggie who is pacing around the room "Are you cold?"

"Theo," She replies annoyed, turning around and taking hold of my shaking hands.

Maggie's P.O.V
"You were like a human popsicle, I don't want you to end up like Jack Dawson in the end of titanic dying from Hypothermia," He stated worriedly

It's a realistic possibility but I feel fine. He's overreacting.

I smile at his concern for me. I'm glad he's worrying about me since he's the type to never worry about anything. He's so positive. This shows he just really cares about me.

"Then I'll be Rose and-" I immediately cut his ramble short by kissing him. When we pull away he stares at me worriedly.

"Something wrong?" I question

"Your lips felt like ice," He replies

I roll my eyes as I hit his chest knowing he's going to start another argument on if I'm ill or not.

I feel fine. I think anyway

I'm still breathing. I'm fine.

Until I breathe my last breath that's the moment when I'm not fine.

James' P.O.V
Unlike the rest of the couples, Riley and I sit in the corner and we talk likes nothing's wrong. Nothing worths worrying about in this moment when we are talking to each other. We are creating our own joy. Together.

I'm not going to waste anytime worrying about something that might not even happen or hasn't happened yet.

I'm enjoying the time I have with Riley.

I have a good feel that we are going to get out of this, I have a trick up my sleeve...My mom

She always seems to get me out of serious situations or help me out in the littlest times as well.

Like that time we needed uniforms for regionals. She helped us a little by giving us a five dollar tip.  It didn't seem like much help but it pitched into a date I had with Riley the next day.

Kate gave me back the money since we didn't have enough to pay for uniforms.

I just hope the way she saves us won't be to embarrassing. But it will be. No matter how hard I wish

That's why I'm not worried about anything.

Britney's P.O.V
I'm running out of time to kill them. It happens tomorrow whether they like it or not.

I'm not taking any chances for them to escape so it has to be as early as possible.

Say bye to your girlfriends boys. They're going.

Those girls will be dead.

And the spot at Lost and Found will be all mine.

Although I'd love to laugh in Leia's face teasing her about her spot being mine I'd rather just cut their lives short.

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