Chapter 7

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James' P.O.V
We are all out of ideas on how to find the girls so we are still in the recording studio searching the internet for ideas, Theo suggests watching a movie will help but I suggested to him that it was hardly the time.

And so far, this is going terribly, even Luke can't find anything and he's a pretty smart guy.

If we started looking for the girls again we wouldn't even know where to start looking.

"So wait what was the mall Leia got kidnapped from?" I ask Luke

"He wouldn't know that," Theo says

"Red Highway," Luke answers (A.N That name is actually shit, not a real mall)

"How did you know that?" Theo questions

"Leia told me where she was going that day," Luke responds

"That shop isn't far from here, Also the girls got kidnapped from the studios," I suggest

"So wherever they are," Theo starts

"Must not be far," John finishes

"Where would they be hidden though?" Luke asks

Again the statement I thought about before, We wouldn't have a clue where to look for them.

Britney's P.O.V
So today I'm going to see Mr T to see if now that Leia and Maggie are gone that Mr T will finally give me the spot at Lost and Found that I've deserved for ages.

I enter his office "Hey Mr T," I greet

"Yes Britney," He answers

"So you know how Leia and Maggie are missing," I start

"You found them! Because Theo and Luke would be thrilled! John and James would be thrilled if you found Michelle and Riley to," Mr T rambles on

"No, I didn't" I tell him

"So........Why are you here?" He questions

"They aren't here so does that mean I get my spot at Lost and Found?" I ask

The shakes his head as soon as I finish the sentence, "No," He says ,I frown

"Why not?" I question

"Because when we find them they'll continue here," He replies

"But what if you don't find them?" I ask

"Why are you spreading negativity, of course we will find them," Mr T says "Now Goodbye Britney,"

I put on a fake smile and walk out, Well that didn't work.

John's P.O.V
We all are still searching yo solutions and It's been a half hour and we still haven't found a thing

"Should I try Yahoo?" James asks, We all nod

"Try any web page," Luke answers

We hear the door creek and Britney enters "Hey guys," She greets with a glum look on her face

"Hey," We all say with a weak smile

"What's up?" She asks taking a seat next to Luke on the couch, looking over his shoulder at his phone

"Researching ideas to find the girls," Theo replies

She frowns slightly, "Guys I would give up, That isn't going to work,"

Why is she spreading such negativity, we need positivity but she's ruining it.

Theo's P.O.V
If I remember correctly from my favourite movie the one who normally says give up is the one who has done it, It was Britney.

I'm glad she's here because now she's busted.

I stare at her in utter shock, I can't actually believe she would do that she was so sweet before but now look.

"What are you staring at Theo?" James asks

"It was you," I blurt out, I look over to James who looks offended

"Me," James says

"No, It was Britney," I blame, I know it was her and there is not denying it

Now all the other boys eyes are on her as well, all she does is evil smirk, she immediately punches Luke so hard he collapses on her he couch.

Then runs over to John and pushes him so hard he's unconscious

James and I are a harder battle though, she punches James so hard though that he falls on the floor, he's still awake though, she kicks his stomach and he's unconscious.

Then there's just her and me, she's about to kick me but I grab her leg, she takes advantage of that and somehow everything turns black.

Britney's P.O.V
I steal the keys to pink midnight from Luke's pocket and manage to carry all the boys to the back of his van through a secret passage way I know to the recording studio.

I drive them to where there precious girlfriends are hidden,

They finally want to see them, fine let them get what they want till I kill their precious girls. Right in front of there eyes. I can't wait to see the horror.

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