Chapter 13

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John's P.O.V
We met our goal. To find them. We achieved that. Now we're in search for a new plan. We need to think of a way to save ourselves.

All the girls are slowly healing and I'm grateful. It passes on a little bit of positivity. But they aren't fully cured.

One of these days when Britney's feeling thirsty for revenge, the positivity will drain out and all will be left will be negativity.

That day is slowly approaching.

I don't want that day to come. None of us do. But actuality is reminding me that it will.

"What's wrong John?" Luke questions, noticing my uneasiness and drawing me out of my dreads.

"It's just," I deeply sigh before continuing "Doesn't death scare any of you? Britney's going to kill us,"

"John, We know this is a rough subject," James consoles. I nod in agreement. Of course this is a rough subject...It's basically the reason I'm the way I am. Shy, Broken and awkward.

My mothers death affected me in the worst way possible. It broke me.

Michelle snuggles into my chest to try and comfort me but even if Michelle tries to console me on this subject. She'll fail.

The only person I feel comfortable opening up to about death is Luke. We've known each other for a long time and I trust him but that doesn't mean I don't trust Michelle. It's just, I've always talked to Luke about it and it only feels natural to admit it to him.

"We're trying not to think about it," Leia sadly smiles

"Why are you thinking about it John?" Maggie asks

"It's hard not to while we are trapped in a room with no escapes and a chance of dying," I respond

"Just think of something that brings you joy," Riley instructs

"Like sandwiches?" I ask. Sandwiches are great. The greatest invention since sliced bread.

"Deeper than that," Luke and Leia chorus, causing each other to blush as they said the same sentence at the same time.

"Sandwiches are pretty delicious," Theo admits, Maggie hits his chest hard, he gasps as a joke and starts tickling her.

My eyes guide me to Michelle. She's my happiness. My mother's replacement.

And honestly with her...I'm whole. I'm ready for any obstacle. For any challenge. Even death and maybe I can open up to her. Soon. As long as we have left.

Life's to short. Loves to short. I need to exist with Michelle while I can.

Luke's P.O.V
I can't admit this to Leia, but I'm terrified.

Terrified of loosing her. Watching her slip away. Living without her. The pain if I die soon.

I need her in my life. I need to live longer with her and share a future with her. (Go read future 😉)

She makes me whole. Leia makes

She's changed my life. Positively.

"What wrong babe?" Leia asks

"Nothing," I respond, giving her a fake smile to ensure she'll believe me. But she sees through the fake.

"Okay," She sighs, standing up and walking. It causes her to wince but she manages.

"I'm sorry babe," I apologise, heading after her. "I can tell you, Just don't walk it hurting you. I don't want you to feel any pain."

Leia's P.O.V
I wish Luke could tell me what I want to hear. The truth. The truth about how he's feeling.

Is he sad. Is he terrified. I just want an answer.

Luke's tough, he's never been able to talk about his emotions.

I know Luke can be vulnerable, but that's something he'll never admit. He wants everyone to think of him as a strong, masculine man. Basically everyone to think of him as a stereotypical guy...But he's not

Luke's himself. Luke's, Luke. He's a unique person.

Luke's better. He's way better. By far.

Stereotypes are dumb anyway. They're pointless and far from the truth.

They're just label that are assumed to be true. Everyone can be who they are supposed to be. Not like the stereotype suggests.

But I don't want to fight with him. I never have loved fighting with him. It's tiring and saddening. So I just sit down him the satisfaction he wants.

It causes me less pain to sit too.

Britney's P.O.V
Now is the time. The time the girls lives come to a close. Maybe the boys too but the girls are defiant.

See ya later ladies. Your Lost and Found spits will be mine. All mine.

Michelle's P.O.V
A sudden loud boom distracts us all, catching our attention.

I hide my face in John's chest so I can't see. I don't want to take a glimpse of reality. I know what's going on.

I know what this moment is. The moment before our deaths.

That's when I feel myself being pulled away from him by Daniel.

Daniel is going to kill me...It makes it much worse.

I finally look to see all the girls have guns placed against their temples. Including me.

This is the end. This is the end. This is the end of me.

Im going for real.


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