Chapter 3

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Luke's P.O.V
How did this all happen?

Our band are just all sitting in Java Junction talking about it

"I don't know where else to check," Theo states sighing

"Yeah, It's like they never existed," I say

"It only feels that way because there gone," James tells us as John nods his head, agreeing with what James had just said to us.

"I miss her," Theo says

"I miss Leia," I agree, I miss her scent, I miss the taste of her lips, I miss her hair, I miss her eye brow raise that always makes me feel bad, I love how cut she is when she's mad, I love how adorable she is when she's jealous, I could go on all day, thinking about her.

Theo's P.O.V
I miss Maggie, It's really hard not to feel depressed because she's gone.

I just wish, Even if it's for the last time, I just want to see her once again.

I miss every flaw and every perfection she owns, I don't care what happened to her I just want to see her.

Luke's P.O.V
Over James' shoulder I see her.... Leia

"Leia," I shout and she turns to look at me

"Luke," She responds and I run towards her and hug her

"Umm....Luke," James coughs

"What?" I question, I want no one to ruin this moment

"That's Mary," John tells me and Theo face palms himself.

I look to who I'm hugging and it is Mary

"Sorry Mary, I really miss Leia, like a lot," I apologise

"I get it, I really miss Tully too," She says

I pat her shoulder and walk back over to the guys as soon as I do a scream comes from studio A

"What was that?" John asks confused

"I know that scream," James says " It's Riley,"

He quickly runs out of Java Junction towards the next step with all the rest of us following.

Riley's P.O.V
So, we didn't win regionals, I'm just catching up on some paperwork.

I'm currently trying to find a loop joke to get into nationals, Amanda reminded me how Elite got in to nationals when we beat them at regionals

I feel someone punch me on the back of the head my first instinct is to scream and I turn to see the kidnapper,

I can tell by there eyes who it is

"It's you," I say before everything turns black.

James' P.O.V
I run into the next step, I swear I just ran faster than I ever have before.

If anything happened to her, I'm done.

I get there to see the office empty and papers all over the floor

I fall to the ground, I look around endlessly

"Riley," I keep repeating

"James," Luke says

"Riley," I keep saying

"She's gone," John says

"She can't be," I deny, even though I know she really is.

"Say something positive," Luke says to Theo

"I have nothing positive to say about this," Theo sighs

Michelle's P.O.V
I hear a scream coming from Riley's office.

I bolt to the office to see a defeated looking James and the boys all looking defeated too.

I then feel someone cover my eyes and slap my cheek

I instantly scream but I'm knocked out

John's P.O.V
Someone screamed behind us, It was Michelle, I could tell.

We look behind us but no one's there,

We run around the corner where we see Michelle being pulled outside.

We bolt outside but there gone

"How could this happen?" Luke exclaims

"We need to find them!" James says

"Yeah," I agree

"I hope we can," Theo says the positivity must've drained out of him when Maggie went missing

"We will," Luke says

"I know it," I say

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