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Chapter song

Never let me go- Florence + Machine

Everyone gathered their things and ran around camp frantically

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Everyone gathered their things and ran around camp frantically. Amara sat on the wall, on watch, waiting on everyone to leave. She sat next to Miller.

"I love you, Miller. Just know that, okay?" Amara let a tear fall out of her eye as she hugged Miller.

"You're not going with us?" Miller asked, slightly taken back. Amara shook her head and hugged him again.

She watched as everyone left their posts and the gunners lead the way out of camp. She watched as Finn searched frantically for her. Lastly, she watched the love of her life walk away. Raven was on a stretcher, not the horse. She wasn't able to get on and stay on.

"Finn! I love you, okay?" Amara yelled from the post.

Finn pushed through people, trying to get back to her, but was stopped by Miller.

"Let her go, man. " He said in a deep voice with tear stained cheeks.

"Come with us! Please, sister. I love you!" He yelled as everyone walked away leaving Amara in camp alone.

She walked around the vacant camp and looked through everything. All the tents and such. She did this for about ten minutes before getting on her horse and slowly walking out of camp. Amara paused and looked back at the camp once more. She took a deep breath before walking from camp and meeting with Anya's army. All of the Grounders pointed their weapons at her.

"Ai leik Amara kom Skaikru. Ai nou na bash yo op. Ai laik natblida." (I am Amara of the sky people. I mean you no harm. I am the nightblood.) Amara called out with her hands up.

"Kom op." (Come) Anya called out. "Monin. " (welcome) The army stood there waiting for the scouts to return.

"My people have left. They abandoned our home. I stayed. I had to. " Amara said as she squinted her eyes to try and keep tears from falling. "I left my brother and my friends."

"My people have forced yours back to your camp on our land. We wanted a war and that is what we will get. " Anya said viciously. She quickly offered her sword. "Take this."

"You mean my people are there? Back at camp?" Anya nodded her head and Amara took the sword.

Amara turned her horse around and kicked its sides and it took off running to her camp where the people were entering frantically.

"Stop! Get to camp! The scouts are coming soon. We have time. Raven better come up with a damn good plan. " Amara said as she jumped off of the horse and sent it off.

"You're here. " Finn said as he hugged his sister.

"Yes, and I was with Anya and the army. Our ammo isn't enough to take them all out. We need time that we don't have. " Amara said to him before the two walked in the ship where Clarke and Bellamy were barking orders at the others. "I have a plan. We need Raven. But, how would you feel about flying for a few seconds. Just enough to roast some Grounder ass?"

Careless//Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now