13: Mercy

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"Consuming all the air inside my lungs, ripping all the skin from off my bones."

- Shawn Mendes (Illuminate)

"So what do you got in mind?" I asked him as I put down my mug of coffee. "Well, I think first I should get myself some tea." He said as he stood from the couch and our little sanctuary near the coffee table. Our little sanctuary are the blankets we had set on the floor and the blankets we have wrapped ourselves into.

I looked once more at my laptop and thought on how this story should progress.

Yes it had been going good as of now, and according to Ed the first chapters are quite intruiging to say the least. But then slowly it starts crumbling as it progresses.

Ughh. This is my ultimate weakness. I am good at starting and ending but somehow midway it isn't as impressive.

"Here I am." I heard him as I felt him settle beside me. "So what images come into your mind when I say wolves?" He asked as I felt him lean his body to mine.

"Well I think of abomination. Like a mixture of a wolf and human, like a human with physical features of a wolf." I wondered out loud. "Mind expounding it?" He added as I felt him comb my wet hair with his fingers.

"Well they are humans in strature but somehow little parts of them ressemble of a wolf. For example, one may have the ears of a wolf and nothing else." I suggested as I gave in and leaned my body on his.

"Hmm. Okay. I think I am getting the idea now." He said as I felt his breath on my shoulders giving me goosebumps. "So the main character is not one, right? And what he does is look for this cure with his friends." I nodded as I kept my eyes glued on the screen on my laptop.

"And they live in this secluded place, since the world has been infested with wolves. So that is rather hopeless, don't you think?" He added as he stopped combing my hair with his fingers.

"Kaya nga dystopian di ba?" I added and finally had the courage to face him.

"Okay. Okay. I just hate the dread in this story you have." He said and took a sip from his tea. "So what happens when your main character and the others as they set out in the world?" He asked brushing away the first thoughts he had blurted out.

"That is where I am currently working on." I said and leaned away my body from his to take my mug from the coffee table.

"I am actually torn between them finding this HQ to make some progress with their cure or having them get attacked by wolves and the 3 main characters get separated from the team they are on." I said without a pause as he turned away from me.

"In my opinion, I think it is much better that they get to have some progress." He said as he stood once more.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I got nowhere in mind. But would you mind taking me out?" He asked with a sheepish smile.

"But I thought you'd help me out in here?" I asked with a pout.

"I'm sorry Kisses, I think I am also out of inspiration today." He admitted as he scratched his nape. "Okay, were going out. Change your clothes." I said finally giving in and took my laptop with me.

I dressed myself once more in comfortable clothes as I thought of a perfect place to immerse ourselves in for the day.

"Oh. A camera." I said almost coating my words with sarcasm. But he did not seem to detect any of it. "Yeah. I am just hoping that bringing this with me and capturing something might do some help for the both of us. Since we are both out of inspiration." He said not pausing as he stared at his camera as if it was some beautiful woman.

"So where will we go?" He asked as soon as we headed out of the front door. "To the park." I said with a smile as I pocketed my phone and walked ahead of him to the waiting shed.

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