Good times

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This moment right here has to be the best ever. Sitting on the couch with five of my best friends telling funny stories that happened during the week. "What did you do on the weekend?" Liam asked me. I thought about his question, I haven't done anything exciting, i guess Luke is gone now. I don't really know if i want to be friends with him to be honest, it would probably be awkward.

" umm Luke and i broke up" it came out of my mouth with no sadness behind it. I guess he was my first boyfriend i mean i didn't know much.

"Oh too bad" or "sorry" they mumbled.

"Should i make some popcorn for a movie?" The boys nodded at my question and i walked to the pantry to get the bag of microwave popcorn. I followed the instructions on the packet and watched the bag pop.

"So you broke up huh?" Liam leaned against the wall of the kitchen. "Yep" was my short reply. I just feel akward when I'm alone with Liam. Its not like i dislike him, I'm just scared it is the complete opposite....

" not to upset are we" he laughed and i nodded with a smile. " you know you can talk?" He walked closer " i don't bite" i just watched the microwave.

" i know i just like watching the popcorn pop, it's quite exciting" i tried with more confidence. I will get used to being around him just not today.

"Hmmm" he replied quietly. The microwave dinged signaling the popcorn was ready to eat. Liam watched as i filled the bowl with the butter coated snack. He took it from me and we walked out together.

Last night we ended up watching paranormal activity and i jumped too many times, but it was forgotten when we stayed up to watch disney movies till early morning.

They all crashed on the couch but i went to the comfy bed and right now its too early to get up. I feel like my bed has sucked me up. Its so bright and cold in the morning which makes it so much harder to get up.

I literarily had to drag myself out of bed after 30 minutes of staring at the ceiling. It was quite difficult. The boys are still sound asleep and i know the perfect way to wake them up.......

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I know, its so short its jut a filler because in have just started to write again and I'm so tired. Schools in Australia started again for the year and I've been so tired and things. Also because of the hot weather here in South Australia (around 45'C, i know its so hot) I've been swimming and its worn me out. So it will get more exciting, and i know I'm crap at writing but if you have any questions DM me!!!!

(My twitter account is on the last chapter)

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