Prologue: Birth of a Crybaby

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Author's note: I got tired of typing Xiu Ren all the time. I'm just going to type Xiren and/or Ren when I'm too lazy ~.~ Enjoy. Feeback is greatly appreciated!


Wang Xiu Ren was unlike most newborns. For one, her birth was exceptionally auspicious.

The night that Madame Wang was birthing her 3rd child, the moon abruptly turned scarlet red and thousands of stars streaked through the night sky the moment the newborn came out of its mother's womb. The scene was so breathtaking it left people breathless. Some thought it was auspicious, while some thought otherwise. 

However, Marquis Wang and Lady Wang cared less about the matters of stars and moon; their only focus was on the newborn baby in their arms.

Lady Wang already had two sons with the Marquis, yet she always wished for a daughter. Hence, the birth of Xiu Ren fulfilled prayers for a beautiful daughter.

In Lady Wang's heart, she vowed to protect her only daughter--not even a fly or ant can hurt her precious child--however, she did not account for her daughter strange illness.

The moment that the baby came out of her mother's womb, bright luminescent light in the shape of lotus flower materialize in the center of the baby's forehead, then it dispersed as quickly as it appeared.

Nobody else saw this oddity other than Lady Wang and her trusted maid. And truth be told, they did not know what it signified. Lady Wang ordered her maid never to mention such an event, but in her heart she knew her daughter was meant to be great, yet she couldn't help but feel uneasy.


For two days and two nights the newborn cried and cried for hours on end.The baby cried endlessly. No amount of mother's milk or sweet lullabies could appease the baby. The Marquis and Lady Wang were deeply worried for their 3rd born well-being. They feared that their newborn might die from exhaustion and stress if this goes on. Seeing her daughter suffering made Lady Wang's heart ache in pain.

Meanwhile, in these short but chaotic two days that felt like two decades, the Marquis pulled all his strings to invite all the renowned physicians in Thunder Kingdom to come treat his child;yet, none of them could come up with a viable cure--even royal physician himself was flabbergasted.

However, on the third day, the newborn suddenly and mysteriously ceased its cries. Upon realizing the peaceful silence that the newborn had robbed the Wang Manor for the past few days, Lady Wang feared for the worst. Her heart sank as she took the baby into her embrace, but upon seeing her child alive and seemly unharmed, a feeling of intense warmth envelope her entire being as Lady Wang look into the pair of round and innocent lustrous grayish-purple eyes that stared back at her.

>>>>>>> (*time skip*)

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