6.2 I Cold Night

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Author's note: So happy with myself for getting this out! Finally lol. It's not quite edited but oh well. I know this chapter is mainly about Xiren's backstory, but I hope you guys find it entertaining anyways.


As soon as she was freed from the wretched inn, Xiren took her horse and galloped away as far as she could.

Outside it was eerie and cold. The forest was heavily covered in fog--nothing could be seen ahead in the dark dead night.

Xiren knew that she was taking a was a risk; after all, it was common sense to refrain from riding at night.

Xiren also knew that the original forest route she took was in the flatland's, so even if she was going astray she should be (fairly) safe. At least she could ride in the dark without the fear of falling off the edge of a cliff anytime soon.

Yet, after so many hours of riding, she was still stuck inside the dense forest. Xiren couldn't believe her misfortunes and grew frustrated with all the events that she encountered thus far. She should've been out of the forest territory by now (according to her map that she borrowed from her father's library)—yet no signs of life could be found. This was just too strange! It was as if the forest wanted to keep her locked inside.

Although Xiren apprehended that she might be caught in an infinite loop cast by some sort of spell. But, what was the point of knowing if she couldn't do anything about it? 

Heavens are you jeering with me!

Perhaps... I am truly cursed? Xiren quietly thought to herself. Her mind wondered off to recall a long-forgotten childhood memory.


Xiren's earliest memories was when she was only four years old. Back then her mother would often take her out to explore the capital—lavishing her with toys and treats that Phoenix city had to offer. This was the happiest time in her life. She never had a care in the world, and she thought her life would always be this blissful. But one day out in the city, Xiren—being a naughty and curious child that she was—slipped out from her mother's slight when a fortune teller beckons her over to his stall from across the street. He reached out and grabbed both her hands. After reading her palm, the fortuneteller complexion paled and his hands trembled. The fortuneteller quickly dropped Xiren's hands as if he was scald by invisible flame. His eyes showed an emotion at Xiren could not comprehend, then he pointed at her and shouted, "Evil Star! What a cursed child....Only evil and destruction follows you. Wherever you go there will be calamities! Blood...you will be bathed in it. Get away! Get away from me you evil child!"


A chill went down her spine. She shrugged and pulled her coat tighter around her lithe figure as she rides further into the night.

After a moment's breath, Xiren recalled that as a child the fortuneteller exclamation startled her. She really didn't understand what the commotion was about, or to why he and the surrounding people looked at her with eyes of shock and confusion.

The fortuneteller's words were like a clingy ghost that has haunted her throughout the years. But, his fate was no better. The fortuneteller was doomed the day he called her over.

However, when Lady Wang heard what had transpired she was furious. Within seconds, five men in black came out behind Lady Wang from thin air with weapons in hands. 

"Clean this up", Xiren vaguely remembered her mother saying to the black clothed men. 

She didn't understand what her mother meant by this. Afterwards, her mother carried her up in her arms and went into their family's carriage. However, before the carriage took leave, Xiren peaked out from the certain to see blood—and lots of it—steeped onto the lifeless street. 

After that event, her mother restricted her freedom. She could no longer go outside as Xiu Ren, the young miss of Wang Manor anymore. Instead, her identity to the outside world would be only known as Chu Renshu, the only bastard son of Chu Hao of the Chu Clan's 4th branch. All of this was planned by her mother. Lady Wang believed by disguising her as a boy, Xiren would be safer from any bad omens or imminent danger. Xiren didn't know where her mother got such beliefs, but her crappy fate didn't change despite her mother's efforts. 

[**Chu Hao is Lady Wang's distant cousin. However, he's indebted to Lady Wang because she saved him and his mother's life during a time of conflict in the Chu Clan. He agreed to accept (and register in the family records) an unknown boy as his bastard son at Lady Wang's request. Even he does to know that Chu Renshu is in fact Wang Xiu Ren.]

Although Xiren didn't appreciated her mother's overbearingness, she must admit her mother is very meticulous. No fault can be found with the identity of Chu Renshu.

How did her life become so messed up? Xiren wondered as she rubbed her jaws from the discomfort.

Once her mind was cleared, she halted the horse to a stop, and jumped down. She walked over a bit to find a clearing and then started to mediate by a large tree—listening to the sound of nature that surrounds her and immersed herself with the darkness. 

After a few minutes into mediation, Xiren could hear the faint sound of water flow---her heart skipped a beat from excitement, then she quickly got up and rushed towards it. 

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