5 I Kill or Be Killed.

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In the dread of the night, a terribly clashing of swords and metals erupted from outside.

Hearing the loud commotion of fighting and the desperate screams of men, Xiren jumped out of bed with haste and her mind high on alert. She grabbed her bag and opened the door, prepared for combat.

Although Xiren was apprehensive about her combat abilities, she wasn't a person that would go down without a fight. Right now, her only option was to defend herself with her own mediocre abilities. Kill or be killed.

As soon as she stepped out into the hallway, Xiren yelped in surprise and quickly ducked down once she saw the old innkeeper body flying towards her direction.

Within mere inches of her head, the flying innkeeper flew past by. Wang Xiren couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

Whoever could do that to that shitty old fox must've surpassed way beyond the earth stage.

With a bang sound, the innkeeper smashed through two consecutive thick wooden pillars.

Surely, if any person who was below the mid-level earth stage were thrown with this much vigor and velocity, they would've died by now—or at least, thoroughly crippled for life.

Although Wang Xiren was unable to see the person who threw the innkeeper across the hallway, she wanted to thank this person for doing her such a huge favor. One less problem to deal with. Hehehe.

However, her momentary joy vanished in a blink of an eye....

After the debris cleared, Xiren could faintly see the bloody innkeeper revive from the dead. Yet, what surprised her more than his revival was the black liquid oozing from the innkeeper's wounds.

Wait. Wasn't blood supposed to be red? Wang Xiren thought as she licked her dry lip. She shivered.  

Xiren quickly glance around the hall, then her confusion was swept away once Xiren realized in the midst of the chaos that this wast best  opportunity to slip away unnoticed. 

Before anybody could detect, Xiren slowly crawled towards the staircase.

The dead were everywhere--literally.

As she sneakily crawl, Xiren comes across torn-off limbs in her path; however, Xiren casually brush them aside. What disgusted her most about crawling on the sticky blood-soaked floor was touching and crawling atop of the dead bodies—some, of which, Xiren had recognized as the dining hall guests. It was unfortunate really. From Xiren's deduction, she was certain many of these men could've had a fight chance of making it out alive if it weren't poisoned beforehand.

Just when Xiren was about to reach the staircase, a hand forcefully grabbed her ankles and dragged her backwards into one of the rooms.

Her heart sank and then she panicked. Her survival mode kicks into gear and her body furiously twisted and turned to get free. However, her efforts were ineffective. Her opponent was too strong; she was too weak. 

In her fierce struggle, Xiren suffered a blow to the head after smashing against a hard object. She could taste the copper and iron in her mouth, where blood was leaking down from her forehead.

"Get off of me!" Xiren wailed as she frantically kicked at whatever was clawing at her legs.

The more pain and hopelessness she felt, the livider she became.

In the rush of adrenaline, Wang Xiren channeled immerse strength from her anger, and then she viciously slice the wrist of the hand that were digging into her flesh with her dagger.

The pretty-looking waitress howled in pain and momentarily loosen her grip on Xiren's leg.

Just like a savage, Wang Xiren took the initiative and pounced on top of the familiar pretty-looking waitress that was now missing a hand. In a crazed fit of fury, Wang Xiren stabbed and sliced the waitress over and over in mad successions. However, despite her efforts, the pretty-looking freak of nature did not die, but instead jeered at her incompetence.

"Just die already!" Xiren screamed. "Die, die, die! And freaking stay dead god dammit!"

Then, like a thunder strike, a brilliant idea came to Xiren's mind. Instantly, Xiren grim expression morphed into a eerie grin that looked so diabolical it could make the bravest mercenary shiver in fear.

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