2 I Chu Renshu

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Outside, the sun had set, the weather cool, but the street lamps were bright. Hundreds of colorfully-decorated paper lanterns which were hanged  high above and along the shops illuminated the streets, creating a romantic atmosphere. Many couples— young and old—were active at this time.

Among the bustling crowd, Wang Xiren stood still as a stone.

The girl coiling herself around Wang Xiren's arm wasn't ugly, but you couldn't say she was pretty either. Lin Yubi was an average beauty and petite stature with a round face, slightly slanted eyes, and short nose that looked rather flat.

Compared to Xiren, Yubi was a head shorter. However, what Yubi lacked in beauty and height, she made up for it with her ample bust and curvy physique. And judging from the hostile glares that Xiren occasionally received from male onlookers told her that she was an enviable lad nonetheless.

Wang Xiren did not know whether to laugh or cry. She wasn't used to having a girl fondling all over her like this—after all, she's a trueborn female beneath the male exterior (clothes) and mirage of her talisman.

Wang Xiren eyes darted around the street to see if her brother was somewhere, hiding in the shadows, laughing his head off as he watches this travesty unfold.

"Handsome brother, can I call you Shu gege?" Lin Yubi sweetly asked.


(Author's note: Wang Xiren's alias outside is Chu Renshu)

"You're a man of few words, aren't you? Well, that's fine since Yubi likes to talk!" Lin Yubi wrapped her delicate arms tighter around the handsome lad, her bosoms rubbing against Xiren's arm.

Huh--so soft? What is this girl trying to do to me?!

Wang Xiren tries to shake Lin Yubi off, but the girl clung like a hungry leech.

For a girl so petite, this girl Lin Yubi has such a powerful grip, Wang Xiren thought in her mind. She must be at least an orange stage practitioner! Wang Xiren couldn't help but curse inside her heart.

Lin Yubi was chatting happily to herself--or so it seemed to Wang Xiren. Xiren caught some of her words, but she often zoned out too much to make any sense of what Lin Yubi was blabbering about.

Lin Yubi pointed to small food stall and eagerly pulled Xiren along. "Ah sweet candied fruits! Yubi wants one."

Being the proper gentleman that this Chu Renshu was, he paid for the lady, taking out a silver coin and tossed it to the old vender.

"Aiya, young man. A silver coin is too much for a stick of candied cherries. I've just opened my stall for the evening so I don't have any copper change to give you," the old vender said.

Of course, this matter was of little importance to Wang Xiren. She didn't care nor minded if she receives change from the old candy vendor. She has a pouch full of silver and gold coins that she had extorted from her shameless brother. She might be a shrewd person, but she wasn't petty enough to demand change from a poor vendor.

"No need for change old man." Wang Xiren waved a hand in the air and turned around to leave. "Keep it, but do share some of your candies with children and the poor free-of-charge in return."

At this moment, Lin Yubi thought that this Chu Renshu was not only handsome and manly, he is also good-natured. She giggled to herself for finding such a catch.

Needing a distraction from her boredom, Xiren walked over to a nearby coat stall with Lin Yubi. A black wolf-fur trimmed cloak caught Xiren's attention. She immediately took an instant liking to it. The cloak was not too thick nor was it too thin. Wang Xiren promptly paid the coat merchant and pulled the cloak over her shoulders; however, Xiren felt Lin Yubi's passionate gaze fixed on her face. This made Xiren feel a bit unnerved.

Xiren didn't know what to make of it so she offered to buy Lin Yubi a coat as well. But Lin Yubi declined Xiren's offer.

Lin Yubi look at Xiren with passionate rosewood-colored eyes . "Shu gege!" Lin Yubi clutched Xiren's hand as she stared into Xiren's eyes. "I knew from the very first moment that I laid my eyes you that you were meant to be Yubi's husband!" she said with a certain finality.

Xiren body went limp for a whole minute from shock. She really wanted to laugh! Although Xiren's has always maintained a cold and aloof expression, her mask slightly cracked due to Lin Yubi's ridiculous declaration.

Is this girl openly claiming me as her husband-to-be? What a cruel joke?, Wang Xiren thought--she felt a headache taking form--This is too absurd! Wang Xiren you need to end this charade now, she told herself. But how the hell do I do that without sounding suspicious? Curse you Wang Xue for getting me into this mess to begin with....

Seeing the sour expression on Chu Renshu's face, Lin Yubi couldn't help but bite the inside of her cheek in embarrassment and anxiety, mixing in with a tinge of rage. Lin Yubi felt like just she slipped a mouthful of vinegar. 

  "Shu gege, do you have a betrothal?!", Lin Yubi accusingly questioned.

--the answer, truth be told, was both yes and no.

Yes--, Wang Xiren was already promised when she was born to the crown price, now emperor of Thunder Kingdom. However, it was agreed upon by both families that the promised made by the word of mouth between two men (Marquis Wang and the late emperor) will take effect only after Wang Xiren reaches the marriageable age of 14 will there be a royal edict sent.


No--, Chu Renshu, this fake alias of Wang Xiren, was not betrothed to anyone in particular.
But the future is nonetheless very uncertain and grim.....

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