12 I Runes

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Facing the legate guard, Tang Di and Xiren took out their silver tokens, respectively. The guard briefly inspected the authenticity of the tokens before letting them pass through the gate.

As they walk inwards into the city's center, Tang Di chatted happily about the history of the inner city and pointed to every key points and stores while they passed by: "The Heian Domain was founded 280 years ago when three small city-states join forces to defend the capital during the warring era against the Jin (Gold) Empire. Currently, Heian Domain is one of the biggest cities in Thunder Empire that's rich in exports, as well as magic users and rare items."

"Magic users? Do you mean many mages reside here?" Xiren asked curiously. She'd never knew nor did she understand to why mages, whom are powerful beings, would rather group together in one place. Weren't mages known for being unsociable and reserved? Why would they even bother saying in one located? Although she did not know much about the outside world and many things are still foreign to her, Xiren became excited and filled with glee. Her heart and hands itch to explore.

Tang Di briefly nodded. "You'll see why soon enough," he stated as they walked closer.

"Ah Look! See that hugh store where a mass is gathering?" Tang Di pointed an index finger towards the crowd. "That's the place I mentioned."

Xiren tilted her head up to read the big craved store sign: "Wuguxiandi".

"What does this shop sell exactly?" Xiren asked.

"Wuguxiandi is largest chain herb and speciality store that's owned by the Hands of God. They sell all kinds of rare herbs, including rare pills, potions, crystals, runes and magic charms. The herbs,pills, potions are top-grade, while the runes and magic charms are considered invaluable! Unfortunately, only the rich can afford to enjoy such luxury. Today I think they are releasing a new batch of runes."

Xiren's eyes widened in surprise. "Did you say this store sells runes? Runes.....to think they sell runes so openly."

"Ah yes. Wuguxiandi sells a batch of magic runes once every 3 months. However, these runes can only cast low-level magic spells for a 2 times before it's turns into dust. Considering the hefty price tag, is a'Shu hoping to attain one by any chance?" Tang Di replied as he scratched his head in befuddlement. "Although the runes are useful for dou qi (combat/force) cultivators and even innate (magic) cultivators, normal people without a cultivation base cannot activate the rune for usage."

"No, I'm not asking for myself. In the capital obtaining a spell rune  that's carved on moonstone   is rather scarce, even for low-level ones. I've only seen a spell rune only twice when I journey to the various auction houses with my ah...cousin. "

Tang Di nodded his head in understanding. "En. Moonstone Runes are sold in limited quantity; therefore, other cities wouldn't be able to obtain it that easily."

"Brother Di, I want to look around the store and stock up on supply. We shall part ways here and meet up later."

"That's fine. I have to hurry back to my master, too. Just remember when you are done, you can always come find me at the Peking Duck Restaurant. If you don't see me then just ask the big aunty there. See you later!"

After they separated ways, Xiren headed into the Wuguxiandi. The crowd in front of the store were many, but inside it was much calmer. It seemed like many who gathered outside were nothing but mere spectators, while the people lined up inside the store were the actual buyers.

Everyone knew in the Heian Domain that the Wuguxiandi was run by the Hands of God, a formidable power that even the mighty Alchemist Association take cognizance of; hence, nobody would dare cause a disturbance inside. If one does not have enough sum, then they can forget about going inside. This was common knowledge. So, when the spectators saw an unfamiliar youngters heading into the Wuguxiandi, their face were riddled with disbelief contempt.

Ignoring them, Xiren went inside and waited until it was her queue.

"Buying or selling?" An middle aged man, standing behind the counter promptly asked.

Xiren went straight to the point. "Buying. I was wondering if you have any runes left in stock?" Xiren replied.

"Hmm? No more attack runes, but we have 1 defense rune left. If you're interested in buying, it's going to cost you 1,000 silvers." (10 gold = 1,000 silver coins)

Luckily, Xiren had enough money on hand and a little extra to spare. A 1,000 silvers was nothing compared to Wang Xue's surprise. Xiren always knew that her big brother wanted a rune to start practicing his innate talent, but the runes in the capital were scarce and three times the cost.

She handed the money to the shopkeeper. But just when the shopper was about to hand over the packaged rune to Xiren, a charming voice of a female called out: "Wait! I want that rune!"

The shopkeeper facial expression did not change from his usual bored expression and replayed, "Dear customer, the last rune in our store has just been sold to this young gentleman here."

A female that looks to be around 16 years of age, wearing a silken pink dress, walked over to the counter alongside a boy of similar age.

"You. Sell me that rune!", the girl demanded with a look of annoyance on her pretty oval face.

Huh?....who does this girl think she is. Although she has a pretty face, her attitude sucks, Xiren thought to herself. Do I look like a pushover?

Xiren smirked and slyly learned on the wooden counter-top. "To you? No."

"You dare to refuse my kind offer?!"

"What offer? You said that you wanted to buy, but I'm not selling." Xiren stated a matter-of-factly as she took the package from the shopkeeper and headed towards the exist.

However, the boy that came with the girl extended his arms and blocked Xiren's path.

"How dare you walk away from me! Do you know who I am! I'm Hu Mingyu, the daughter of the chief judge in Heian Domain." the girl said in a sickening sweet voice laced with malice. "Since you know who I am, then you should not create trouble for yourself and give me the rune."

Xiren cocked an inquisitive eyebrow at her. "Oh? I don't know who you are and honestly, I don't care who your father, mother, grandfather, second cousin, or dog is O.K."

Although the girl seem composed on the outside, her eye's were filled with killing intent that's directly targeted at Xiren.

"Enough!", a hoarse announced. It was the voice of the shopkeeper! "There shall be no roughhousing in the Wuguxiandi! The sale is done and if the owner of the rune does not wish to sell then his decision must be respected."

The face of the girl and her male counterpart turned pale at the shopkeeper exclamation, so they decided to back off and keep their mouths shut for they did not want to face the wrath of the power behind Wuguxiandi. The two glared hatefully at Xiren before taking their leave. 

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