19 I Unsealment

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Xiren was a little anxious. She knew she was being cheeky, but she did not have much to lose. Even if he disagrees, she would still do the task for him anyways. It was clear that Lord Mythos knew her identity and he even knows about her family background. Hence, she wanted to try her luck and see how badly he wants the [Temporal Demon Spirit Tome].

"Fine." He kept his voice low. "However, I will only give you a duration of 19 full moons (roughly 1 year and 7 months) to complete the task. If you fail, then I will have your life as compensation."

He drew her into another room. "Follow me," he commanded.

She did not say anything and silently followed along.

In the room, there was a large array of indecipherable runes and inscription laid out.

"What is that," Xiren asked.

"This is a protection array that can pull subatomic Qi particles in. If my guess is correct, the Soul Crystal was unable to determine your status because there's a seal placed on you, preventing your cultivation."

"What!? Can someone's cultivation be sealed?"

"En. It is unusual, but it's not impossible for something like this to occur. Since your veins and dantian are fine, and there are no traces of poison in your system; thus, the only possibility is a seal that blocking your cultivation. In order to break the seal, I need you to cooperate and follow my directions without hesitation. Understand."

Although she was nervous, Xiren understood the severity of his words. She was not a fool. One mishap in the process can be fatal to her life.

"Understood!" Xiren replied.

"Go sit in the middle of the array, then consume this golden-flame fruit at my command."

Following his orders, Xiren went and did as told

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Following his orders, Xiren went and did as told. Lord Mythos followed behind and sat behind her, his palms were placed on her back.

"I will start by pouring some of my qi essence to strengthen your body, then I want you to consume the fruit. You will feel some pain, but bare with it. Remember, do not lose consciousness."

Accordingly, Lord Mythos starts pouring his qi into her body steadily. Xiren sat cross-legged in meditation as she channeled the qi inside of her. The cold current coursing through her made body tingled.

"Consume the golden-flame fruit now!" Lord Mythos suddenly interjected.

Xiren did so without hesitation. However, she suddenly felt a bit of panic and fear as pain overtook her body. It was an incomparable type of pain that she never felt before. One moment she was extremely hot, as if her blood was boiling, then the next minute, she felt like she had fallen into the frozen lake of the northern wilderness. Although the pain did not make her scream, but it almost caused her to faint. The pain was so intense that her mind went blank and she spewed a mouthful of blood. The bones in her elbows, thighs and especially her chest felt like it could shatter into dust at any given moment.

'Oh, God! Do you really want me to die from pain?!' In Xiren's heart, she cursed the heavens once, but she still had to face reality.

In desperation, Xiren could only use her last amount of willpower to keep herself conscious till the end.

The unsealing process continued for hours until, finally, Lord Mythos withdrew his hands.

"How do you feel?"

Xiren was dazed. Her pain had subsided, but her mental state was still a mess.

It took her a few seconds to comprehend his question.

"Ah..uh..I don't know. How should I feel? Right now, I feel like shit." Xiren honestly replied, then she looked down at herself to see that her clothes was soaked in sweat and fresh blood. "I also look like it, too."

Lord Mythos wrinkled his brow and pretended as if he did not hear her comment just now.

"Once your mind is clear, try mediating and gather the Qi particles from your environment."

After shaking her dizzy head, Xiren could feel her mind clearing up. "Okay." Xiren replied and started meditating.

Xiren began inspecting her body. She immediately felt excited upon sensing the dense amount of spiritual Qi particles—as well as the medicine and spiritual essences that mother had given her since she was a child was in fact stored up in her body!

'Aiyo...My mother gave me all those medicine and spiritual infused food to eat all these years, but my body was unable to absorb them do to the seal. All this stored-up essence might be fatal in the long-run, but now that my body is unsealed, I can finally absorb it ! This is a godsend!'

Xiren sat there with a suppressed smile on her face.

"What do you see?" Lord Mythos ask after seeing her motionless for a while.

"Oh! Hehehe... I see many colors of Qi particles floating around me. There's a lot of red and translucent yellow particles around me. I also see some green, too!"

"Good, it seems that you have at least have elemental affinities of fire, thunder, and wood." Lord Mythos nodded in approval. "Not bad, not bad. The higher the potential the better!"

"Now," Lord Mythos said in a stern tone, "concentrate and guide the Qi particles to your dantian, and store it into your sea of Qi."

Xiren followed his instructions and pulled a whole cluster of red-colored Qi partials to fill her Sea of Qi. Once she did, her Sea of Qi that was originally like dry desert started to fill with water. Although it wasn't a lot, it was still a great feeling. Once she returns home, Xiren plans to slowly absorb all the spiritual essences accumulated in her body. If she is successful, her Sea of Qi might actually overflow!

"Mahwhehehe!" Xiren could not contain her happiness as she thought about her dream of being the ultimate female bad-ass in the cultivation world was possible now, she bursts into a maniacal laughter.

Watching from the sidelines, Lord Mythos was left flabbergasted. 'Strange kid.......'

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