13 I Talking Over Tea

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After the event at the Wuguxiandi, Xiren mood become sour and she no longer felt like shopping anymore. Remembering Tang Di, she heads towards the Peking Duck Restaurant.

Coming to a stop in front of the restaurant, Xiren surveyed the place. The building itself was three stories high, and the lower floor (restaurant) was filled with lively atmosphere and bustling with customers.

However, there was no Tang Di in slight.

Remembering what Tang Di had told her, Xiren spotted and headed over to a plump middle-age women in a gingham pattern dress standing beside the tea counter.

"May I help you?" the aunty asked the fresh-face youngster before her.

"Good day Madame, is brother Tang Di here?"

"Oh, you must be Di'er friend! I'm Aunty Ma. Di'er already told me that someone would be asking for him. Come, come. He's upstairs, you can find him there."

"Thank you", Xiren replied, giving a charming smile to Aunty Ma.

Aunty Ma giggled. "Oh my, what a charmer."

Upstairs Xiren spotted Tang Di and an older gentleman sitting in one of the private booth. Going over, she greeted Tang Di and the white bearded man.

"Ah, little brother Chu! Let me introduce you to my master." Tang Di waved his hand and beckoned her to sit beside him. "Master this is brother Chu, he's the one I told you about." Tang Di clarified. "And this my master, Cao Mo."

The old man with a good-natured face briefly observed her. Initially Cao Mo was surprise when he sense neither combat nor magic surges from the youngest. In Cao Mo's mind, this either meant that the youngster has no cultivation whatsoever or he was really good at concealing his aura.

Cao Mo smiled. "A Chu? Are you perhaps related to the famed Chu clan from the southern region?"

Xiren was a little taken aback, but her smile did not faltered. Who would've guess that a doctor that resided in the Heian Domain would know of the Chu Clan. Although the two cities were in the same empire, they were thousands of *li apart.

"Yes, I am related to the Chu Clan that resides in Yun Province. However, I am a child born out of wedlock, so I was raised outside of the family. Ever since I was little I lived a simple life in the outskirts of the Yun Province with my mother; however, when my mother passed away, my aunt took me in to live with her and her family in the Capital." Xiren explained.

"I see. It's quite a journey for a youngster to traveling by himself all the way here. Currently, there has been many unrest and wild beast astray around the forest route. It's gotten worse recently, many travelers get lost or killed on the black forest route. As a result, the Magus Association laid many traps and magical formation. Nevertheless, it is fortunate that both of you made it out with your lives intact."

"Much thanks for your concern. In a few months I will be preparing for the royal examination, so I thought it would be a good idea to gain some life experience from traveling. Yet, I did not think that the forest route would be so dangerous."

Old Cao Mo lifted his cup to sip some tea, seeming to in some sort of thought before asking: "Child, while you were in the forest, did you see anything peculiar?"

"Peculiar?" Xiren forehead furrowed and shook her head. "Other than the formation, I didn't encounter anything unusual," she lied. It was not that she wanted to lie; however, by nature Xiren wouldn't disclose such matters to somebody she just met. Her instincts was telling that these strange events going on were not a simple matter; it was best to keep quiet in order to not draw unwanted attention to herself.

Looking at the quizzical and poised expression on youngster's face, Cao Mo sighed and chortled with laughter before adding sincerely: "It's getting late and I'm sure you youngsters are tired from the journey. I shall take my leave." Cao Mo left and headed downstairs.

Tang Di looked at Xiren curiously, "So....you really are a member of the Chu Clan. Who would've thought, you're too nice to be a Chu."

Xiren quirked her eyebrows. Nice?

"I'll take that as a compliment," Xiren replied in a light-hearted manner. "Are you and your master always so inquisitive?"

Tang Di gave a chuckle, scratching his chin. "Ah! Don't take to heart. My master is a city council member so he's a natural busybody. When I told him that you wanted to go to Mythos Hall, he was rather curious to about you."

Xiren nodded in understanding.

"Brother Di, I wanted to ask you more about Mythos Hall. Since I plan to head there, do you know what route I should take to get to Mythos Mountain?"

"There's no route. There's only one way you can get to Mythos Mountain." Tang Di replied.


"The Heian Domain is protected by magic, and the Lord of Mythos Hall oversee this. Henceforth, many mountains and area are restricted and hidden from us. The only way to get to there is through the transport portal located at the Jing Pagoda. However, the portal to Mythos Mountain only opens on the day of the full moon."

"Isn't this good then?"

Tang Di shrugged his shoulders and leaned back on his chair. "Perhaps. The good thing is that the Lord of Mythos Hall allows anyone to come through the portal to try their luck. However, the Mythos Mountain itself is a very dangerous place filled with traps and magic. Many who goes through don't make it back, and the few that do make it back alive are scared sh*tless. From what I know, less than a handful of people who went to Mythos Mountain actually got to meet the Lord in person in the last decade! The Mythos Lord is harder to meet than the emperor himself!"

"So, do you still want to go to Mythos Mountain knowing what might happen to you there?" Tang Di asked as he looked out towards the sky, the sun had already set and night was getting darker.


Tang exhaled heavily and muttered. "Tomorrow will be a full moon. I'll take you to the pagoda in the morning. You should go rest. Head to the third floor, I already told Aunty Ma to prepare a futon for you." He paused. "I pray that you change your mind in the morning Shu'er".

Xiren softly smiled and got up, reaching over to pat Tang Di's shoulders. "Brother Di, do you know that there are two types of people in this world? There's the kind that only sees what is preventing them from getting what they want, and then there's the kind that sees what they want and go towards it no matter the cost." Xiren forced a smile on her face before saying:  "Good night".

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