9 I New Goals

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"Want do you mean by that?" Xiren asked curiously. No matter how hard the journey may be she still have to try or else she wouldn't be able to live with herself.

Tang Di heaved a sigh. "Truthfully, the rate of success is slim to none, yet not impossible. Although the Hall is located within the Heian Domain, it is protected by a magical formation that prevents uninvited guest from finding the Hall within the Mythos Mountain. Only those who are invited or those who are extremely lucky will be able to find the Hall and speak with the Lord of Mythos Hall himself. The Lord can cure any illness, and as rumors have it, he has the answers for everything for he is the most powerful Mage in the Realm. However.....". 

Tang Di brows furrowed. "If you are planning to go, do understand the risk. Many hopefuls tried to find the Mythos Hall and failed. Few rarely make it out alive. Many people get lost in the formation and others die due to other reasons."

Xiren stood in place and pondered for a moment before she walked over to Tang Di and firmly grabbed his shoulder and said, "If this Lord of Mythos Hall have the ability to help me, then no matter what, I have to try or die trying." But after a passing thought, Xiren asked, "Is there really no easier way? Can I send a letter to the Lord and tell him I wish to meet with him for assistance?"

Tang Di jaws almost dropped from Xiren words, and then he laughed wholeheartedly in hilarity the next moment. 

"Little bro Chu, you're too naive, Aiya! Don't you know, the only sure way to meet the Lord of Mythos Hall is to be personally invited. Nobody can force the Lord of Mythos Hall to do anything he does not wish to do. Even the current and former emperors do not dare to offend the Lord of Mythos Hall. That said, the emperor himself and many other influences houses have sent many letters of pleas; however, very few get a reply."

Xiren eyes open in wonderment, her eyes flashed a mixed array of silvery purple from excitement.

 "This Lord of Mythos Hall can even make the Emperor regardful...how marvelous. All the more I want to meet this Lord," Xiren muttered to herself.

Tang Di was starting to doubt and regret his decision of opening his big fat mouth about the Mythos Hall. Did the young lad before him even understand the severity of the situation and the danger entailed? He heaved another sigh and continued explaining.

"From my knowledge, there are two exception. The first, you can offer something of value that the Lord of Mythos Hall might want; if he accepts, you will be sent an invitation. The second option is try your luck and go on a suicidal journey to meet the Lord."

"The first options seems pretty reasonable. But what would such a high and mighty Mage like him want? Money? My soul?"

Tang Di shook his head. "If the Lord of Mythos Hall only greed for money he wouldn't reject all those powerful houses. As for your soul, I don't see the point of him doing that. After all, Mages have the ability to collect the souls of the dead."

Xiren pondered about what Brother Di words and nodded in agreement. "So my only choice is to try my luck then...Fine!"

With a new goal set in her mind, Xiren finished off the remaining fish, and then she grabbed her bag and rushed out of the cave. 

However, like remembering something important, she froze and turned around and asked, "So how do I get out of this forest?"

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