3 I Heartbreak

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They stood looking at one another in utter silence. Wang Xiren felt like she had a big green slimy frog caught in her throat. She swallowed it down. Currently, inside Xiren's head was a mess since she was trying to come up with an excuse asap.

If I tell Lin Yubi that Chu Renshu, does not have a betrothed, then it will be troublesome for me in the future...However, if I tell her that Chu Renshu does have one then Lin Yubi will definitely be suspicious, but at least I won't have to deal with her anymore after this.

"En. I am sorry Bi'er. I do not deserve your tender affections since I have someone else in my heart." Chu Renshu said with a pained expression, his hand clutching into fists and he dramatically hits himself in the chest as an act of frustration and self-punishment.

Of course, this was a big fat lie. Xiren's pained look and self-inflection was merely an act to fool Lin Yubi. When had I become so good at acting, Wang Xiren thought.

Lin Yubi brown eyes was wide in surprise, brimming with tears. "Who does your heart belong to!", Lin Yubi sobbed. "I am not going to give you up until you tell me." There was determination in her eyes.

No man has ever rejected Lin Yubi before. She was the daughter of a well-respected jewel merchant in Phoenix City! Many merchants, Qi cultivators, and even the big families wanted to be in-laws with such an esteemed and well-connected merchant like her father, Lin Hong. Many rich suitors and gentlemen from respectable families had offered her many invitation for the prospect of marriage, yet Lin Yubi has never taken a liking to any of them.

In Lin Yubi's mind, only Chu Renshu was fit to be her husband. And yet.... she got rejected because he loved someone else!? Who was the wrench that stolen her Shu gege heart! Lin Yubi tried to remain collected, but inside she wanted to scream and rip someone's head off.

Chu Renshu hesitates for a second before she heaved a sigh and solemnly answered, "Miss Xiu Ren of the Wang Manor".

Eh? What does this Wang Xiu Ren had that she did not have?!, Lin Yubi wondered.

Lin Yubi's body knees felt weak and she unknowingly tumbled a few steps back, breathing heavily. From Lin Yubi's limited knowledge about Wang family, she knew enough to know that this Wang Xiu Ren was known for being a fat trash based from the things she have heard from the noble-born girls at Youya Academy.

Although Lin Yubi never personally seen this Wang Xiu Ren before, she had heard the rumors about the ghost-like existence of the infamous third miss of the Wang family. The common folks in the capital called this Wang Xiu Ren the Ghost Miss of the Wang Manor, because she had never been seen out of the Wang Manor before. The people of Phoenix City only know that the Wang's have only one daughter and that daughter was confined in the Manor because she was believed to the Wang's family's greatest shame!

Lin Yubi wore a foul-looking smirk on her face. She was sure that she was better than the rumored unless 3rd Miss of the Wang Manor by ten...., no......hundred folds! This was the biggest slap to her ego in all her 14 years of being alive.

"She's not even a worthy rival. That girl Wang Xiu Ren is just an ant. An ant! She can't even cultivate! What is so good about a useless person? She won't be a good wife. She won't be able to help you. In fact, she might pull you down! In our society only the strong are respected. A high maintenance weakling like that Wang girl will only be a burden to her husband." Lin Yubi finally said, then she started laughing in self-satisfaction and mockery.

Wang Xiren, despite her age, was naturally levelheaded and indifferent. Xiren couldn't even remember the last time she had cried or felt any strong emotions within herself. The only true emotion she ever feels nowadays were either boredom or restlessness. With her lazy personality, Xiren felt that it took too much effort and energy to get angry with people whom are of no importance to her. It would take a lot more than a few measly insults to get Xiren worked up about anything. Despite being annoyed by Lin Yubi's arrogance, Lin Yubi statement was undeniably true in many aspects.

Xiren viewed the bigger picture and tried see herself from other people's perspective, for her own was constrained to only one--her mother.

Like many children who were born into an influential family, her mother spoiled her rotten. Many of these "influential " children often abused their power and bully those weaker than them. In addition, many of these spoiled children spend their days in folly and debauchery. The males often becomes corrupted officials, while the girls became vicious wives and concubines always embroiled in a power struggle. Yet, when they get into trouble, they use their elders to wipe their dirty butts for them.

Ironically, in Phoenix City the common folks refer to the Wang's children as two flowers in manure--her brothers were the flowers, and she ---the manure.

Many people view the children's from influential families as being rotten in personality. Yet, there were some exception to this common belief. For example, her two older brothers--Wang Xue and Wang Xiyang--were regarded as the Golden Children of Phoenix City because of their handsome looks, likeable personality, and their ability to cultivate from a young age. Her brother, Xiyang, is beloved by many, even the common folks always spoke of him with warmth and admiration.

However, in Wang Xiren's case, those who do not know her circumstances and personally believed that she--the 3rd Miss of the Wang Manor--was not only trash but awful in personality as well. Wang Xiu Ren couldn't help but sigh when she thinks about her own circumstance. She had so many strikes already against her since she was born, but it was unavoidable and she had nothing to prove to them anyways.

The only thing she that she could do was find the solution to obtain her innate essence (aka innate talent that's important to cultivators) or at least die trying. And she had to make her move soon. After all, Wang Xiu Ren knew that time was no friend to anyone--specially for her. Although right now she was only 13, her birthday was nearing closer and closer, and before long she will be engaged and married off once she reaches 14! Xiren no longer have time to waste! The last thing she wanted was to be married off to a man who will dictate her life.

Why can't I decide my own fate and live my own life?!

Unconsciously, Xiren bite the lower corner of her lips in frustration. Within a few seconds, blood started to drip down. She wanted to curse at heaven for condemning and depriving her of the very thing she ever wanted.

Well screw you fate, Xiren thought. I'm going to make my own fate from today onward!

Wang Xiren surveyed her surroundings once more and decided that escape would be easy. Today was her best chance to escape. After all, how many chances did she get to go outside without her mother's bodyguards restricting her every move?

Wang Xiren looked up at the darkening sky and knew what she must do. She mustered up all her courage and dashed for her stallion. But before she dispersed into the crowd, Wang Xiren slyly whispered something into Lin Yubi's ear, in which, made Yubi mouth agape like a fish out of water.

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