18 I Why Me?

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"How badly do you want to be become a cultivator?" Lord Mythos asked as he uses his divine senses to examine her body. 

"I want it a lot!" Xiren replied while clenching her fits tightly.

"Your reason?"

"I want to change my fate with my own hands. If I have power and strength, I can dictate my own life and protect who are important to me!", Xiren said truthfully. "The current me is lacking in all expects! I have neither power nor strength. I hate myself for being so useless!"

"Hmm... How far are you willing to sacrifice for it?"

Xiren gritted her teeth. "If I gain power, I am willing to go to the netherworld and back."

"Hahaha! You have guts and a strong determination. You are an interesting lass--I like it. I will offer a helping hand. Do you dare to take my offer?"

Xiren slightly stiffen. A shiver went down her spine. 'He knows I'm a female'.

"Name your price. If it does not cross my bottom-line then I am willing to do anything you ask of me," Xiren carefully replied.

"Good backbone!" Lord Mythos exclaimed, his lips twisting up into a smirk. "Don't worry, what I want is something reasonable. There's an ancient book called "Temporal Demon Spirit Tome" that I have my eyes on for years; however, I am unable to obtain it due to certain reasons. Therefore, I want you to help me get it."

Xiren nodded her head as she listens, but there was one thing she did not understand....

"Why me?"

"It's simple. You are the first daughter of Chu Meifang, and that means you are of direct bloodline to the Iphiánassa Sorceress, the first Queen of Delphine," he explains. "Surely, your mother has told you about Delphine, the land that your mother's ancestor originated form?"

Xiren nodded. "I was homeschooled by my mother, so the origin of Delphine was mentioned by my mother quite a few times in our history lessons. Although I have never been there, my mother told me it was a wonderful place—a safe-haven for womenfolk with an ancient bloodline. According to the legends, 20,000 years ago, a primordial goddess came to explore the mortal realm and by fate saved the life of a beautiful nymph called Anu. Anu, who was touched by the goddess kindness vowed to serve her the Goddess for life. However, one day while collecting flowers, Anu came across a young and mighty warrior that stole her heart (not literally). The two fell in love and soon Anu was with child. Shortly after, Anu gave 3 baby girls, and then 7 more girls in the following years. However, the peacefulness did not last long. As Anu's children grew older, they become more eye-catching. The children of Anu inherited and suppressed their mother's beauty and their father's strength! Although this seemed like a blessing, it was a curse in disguise for it brought greedy and lustful mortal men of royal blood from the mainland. They killed Anu's husband, and then they captured Anu and her children as slaves and abused them while the Goddess was gone. However, when the Goddess came back to the mortal realm and found what happen to her devoted servant, she was angered. In her fury, the Goddess punished the mortals on the mainland with 100 years of famine and unleashed 100 demon beasts down upon earth, wiping out half of the population. Tragically, Anu died of heartache soon after. As tribute, the goddess created an island for Anu's daughters to keep them safe from men. After the came by to the island, Anu's daughters gave birth. The Goddess took pity on the newborns; thus, she bestowed a drop of her blood to them, as well as rare treasures, and the gift knowledge and magic before she disappeared."

"Yes, your well vast in Delphine history, but you're missing critical point." Lord Mythos stated. "The goddess only passed her blood to the newborn girls, but I didn't mention that the daughters of Anu also gave birth to boys. Nevertheless, the Goddess did this to keep her bloodline pure. But most importantly, it is so because only the direct (female) descendants can comprehend the "Temporal Demon Spirit Tome" -–one of the original treasures the goddess left behind.

"Oh..so you want me to get ahold of the tome and translate it for you as well? You said that this was a task that I am capable of doing, but why does this seem much harder than you make it out to be..."

"Will you take on the task or not?"

"Hmm...fine, but I have some conditions: 1) I want a high-earth-grade interspatial ring; 2) 100 blue essence crystals; and 3) a 100 Soul Enhancing Pills. This seems fair, isn't that right my Lord?", Xiren said in a sugary-sweet tone of voice as she cutely blinks her long and curly lashes.

Lord Mythos: "....."

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