6.1 I Decapitation

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Authors Note: Pardon moi for not updating for so long. Therefore, I will publish a part of chapter 6 first. Hope you guys enjoy! Comments and feedback are greatly appreciated for it gives me the strength to keep on writing! ____________________________________________________________________________

Decapitating someone's head wasn't all that hard really. It was a messy task, but it had to be done. After all, decapitation was the surest way to kill and make sure that they stay dead. Not even saintliest healers could sew a detached head back on. This much was certain.

Black sticky blood rapidly gushed out like an erupted volcano—so much so it went spraying straight onto Xiren's face and clothes. She flinched in disgust, but quickly regain her composure and wiped some of the blood off her eyes and mouth with her sleeves.

At the moment Xiren wished that she had a long silver sword instead of the dainty dagger in her hands as she cut the dead-yet-alive-and-screaming girl's vertebrae in a rapid sawing motion.

Although this was the first time Xiren has ever decapitated someone's head, Xiren handiwork was nevertheless decent despite the horrid mess that she was making.

Xiren breathed out a deep sigh when the head came off and the room returned to its former silence once the screaming came to an end. 

Xiren gave her handiwork one last check, then grabbed decapitated head by the hair and stared into its terror stricken eyes. She paused, uncertain what else needed to be done or said. Xiren didn't know any prayers; she wasn't the religious type nor the consoling type . "Farewell, can't say I'll miss you," she finally managed to say before tossing the head out the second story window. 

And without further delay, Xiren dashed down the stairs.

Down below, outside on the dirt gravel, a petrified head rolls away into the dark and dense forest.......

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