14 I Jing Pagoda

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After waking up, Xiren came down to the first floor of the restaurant to see that Tang Di was already waiting for her.

The two quickly greeted each other and headed towards the east inner city where the Jing Pagoda was located at. Within an hour or so of walking, they arrived.

Standing in front of the building, the Jing Pagoda was impressive nonetheless. It's eight stories tall and the Pagoda itself was built using thousand years old Sassafras Wood and with jaded roofing. Just looking at the Pagoda gives one the feeling of serenity and awe.

"Brother Di, do you come here often?" Xiren asked.

"En. The Pagoda is the only portal establishment in Heian Domain that's open to the public for a fee, of course. And I use it sometimes to travel to faraway places when I'm doing a task for my master. It's really convenient."

"But have you ever used the portal to go to the Mythos Mountain?"

Tang Di frowned, staring into her eyes for some time before relenting, "Never. Even if there are many rare and invaluable herbs and flowers there, it's not worth it. And trust me Shu'er, people who goes to Mythos Mountain in search for treasures and wishes usually don't come back alive."

"I already know." Xiren (Chu Renshu) laughed humorlessly, "You really don't have to keep reminding me this. I am fully aware of the dangers, but I won't let fears determine my future."

Tang Di exhaled, he did not look pleased. If you die, there is no future. However, he will not stop a'Shu either.

Going to Mythos Mountain was Xiren's only resolve.

Upon stepping inside the Jing Pagoda, a green-cloaked man in a painted fox mask greets them.

"Welcome gentlemen, please state your destination," the man said in a deadpan tone.

Tang Di stepped forward and politely bowed. "My friend over here would like to go to Mythos Mountain. And, I am here to see him off," Tang Di replied.

The masked man turned to look at Xiren. "Very well. The portal will open once the sun has set. In the meantime, you should finish any remaining business before you go."

Xiren takes out a handwritten letter that she had prepared last night from her bag and hands it to Tang Di.

"Brother Di, if I don't come back alive within a month's time, please send this letter my family. Their names and address in the envelope, but do not open it before my time is up. Promise me."

Tang Di nodded. "I will. You take care now."


After doing their farewells, Xiren follows the fox-masked man in green upstairs to the 8th floor and headed towards a wooden door adorn with a drawing of a horned serpent.

Inside the room, Xiren was surprised to find that she wasn't going to the Mythos Mountain alone. In fact, there were 2 other people waiting inside before her. One was a unfamiliar ginger-haired man that looked to be in his yearly 20's, the other was a familiar face. It was the guy that tried to pick a fight with her at the Wuguxiandi yesterday! Aside from that, the room itself was completely empty, devoid of furniture, for the exception of a 6-foot-tall statue that's placed in the center of the room.

"You!" Hu Mingu exclaimed in astonishment. He didn't expect the brat who angered his sister yesterday to be here as well. A crafty glint shone in his eyes.

Xiren frowned and turned her head away, ignoring him. With one look, she could guess what he was thinking. However, this was not the right place or time to be fighting over petty matters.

Being completely ignored, Hu Mingu could only swallow his anger and take a seat on the white marble floor while he and the others wait for the sun to set. However, it was impossible to tell the time since the room had no windows.

The room was uncomfortably silent, until a while later, the door was pushed open.

A voice announced. "Honorable guest, it is time. The portal to Mythos Mountain will commence."

A man in a fox mask, wearing a long green robes and cloak walked in. Clearly, this was a different person from the man who showed her to the room. The most noticeable difference was the 5-star insignia that's embroidered on his chest (on the chest of the robe).

A senior mage? Xiren thought to herself. She vaguely remembered, from reading her father's history books, that stars insignia signifies the rank and importance of the mage wearing it. And if she remembers correctly, the highest-ranking mage has 8 stars. Ah, so the one that greeted me before must've been only an apprentice.

The cloaked man made his way to the middle of the room where the large horned serpent statue was stationed and placed a bright red jewel into the serpent's agape mouth. Once completed, the mage took a few steps backwards and watched as the statue slowly melts, finally turning into a pool of liquid mercury.

"The portal has completely opened." The mage stated. "Proceed one at a time."

Without hesitation, the ginger-haired man was the first to jump into the pool of mercury.

Next, Xiren stepped forward ; however, she was deliberately shoved back.

Hu Mingu leered over in satisfaction at her before jumping in second.

Dusting her shoulders off, she followed suit. 

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