Welcome to Camp Pt.2

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Sagittarius's POV

"Hello, Campers!" We all turned around to see a woman with ginger curls and a taller man wearing a baseball cap.

"Who are you?" I questioned.

"We're your camp counselors for the entire summer! I'm Hydra, and this is Lynx," the ginger announced. "Because it seems like all of you are here, we're going to start with the tour of Camp Solstice! All the girls can come with me, and the boys can go with Lynx." We picked up our bags and left with our designated counselor. "You guys wanna swing by the cabin first so you can drop off your bags?"

"Y-Yes please!" Leo grunted, carrying her six bags filled with who knows what.

"You need some help, Doll?" I asked.

"Yes. Thank you." She handed over two bags that weren't that heavy.

"Alright, just follow me!" Hydra chirped.

After a few minutes of walking down a trail, we arrived at the tiny log cabin. Hydra opened the door and motioned for us to go in. There was three sets of bunk beds and a lot of camp themed decorations spread throughout the room.

"I CALL TOP BUNK!" Gemini shouted. The blonde threw her bags onto the ground and lunged herself onto the higher bunk.

"I'm fine with the bottom bunk." Taurus smiled and sat her things down on the bed.

"I want top!" I said.

"Bottom," Leo remarked.

"Top!" Pisces announced, taking the bunk above Taurus.

"I guess I have the bunk below Gem." Libra sat down on the bed and stretched.

"So is the bedding arrangement done?" Hydra spoke up. We all nodded. " Okay, let's begin the tour!"

Capricorn's POV

"Here's the activity center. We mostly do arts and crafts here like tie-dye and friendship bracelets," Lynx explained. You would think a teenager summer camp would have more things than just tie-dye and friendship bracelets, but I suppose not.

"When are we doing tie-dye?!" Aquarius squealed.

"I don't know yet. I have to check the schedule first."

"Tell me as soon as you know, K?"

"Hey Lynx, is the camp co-ed?" Aries asked whilst wiggling his eyebrows.

"The cabins aren't co-ed, but the activities are."

"Another question: is there any WiFi?" I questioned.

"Nope, the main purpose of this camp is to show teens that they can have fun without their phones."

"The lies you tell yourself," Scorpio mumbled.

"The reception is crap too," Virgo stated, looking at his phone.

"C'mon guys, it's not that bad. Sometimes you forget you have a phone." Lynx smiled nervously trying to ignore all of our murderous glares at him.

"How?!" Aries cried. "How are you able to accomplish such an impossible task?!"

"Calm down, I though girls your main concern. And if there's no reception,they can't talk to any boys back home. Right?"Scorpio responded.

"Oh, yeah."

"Anyway, we used the lake for multiple activities like swimming, canoeing, and fishing," Lynx went on.

"Do we canoe on our own or in groups?" I asked.

"We normally have two people in one canoe, and I do believe that we're canoeing tonight. It is usually a first day activity."

"And what day is tie-dye!? Is that normally a first week activity?!" Aqua shouted.

"Dude, what is up with you a tie-dye?!" Scorpio snapped back.

"It's really fun to do, and the shirt is really pretty when you finish!"

Scorpio's POV

Mental note for myself, so I know for later: DO NOT argue with Aquarius about tie-dye.

I turned around when I heard the rustling of leaves. No one was there. Then more rustling. I looked up, thinking it was just a squirrel. And it was one big ass squirrel...

"Aries! What the hell are you doing?" I shouted, causing everyone's attention to direct towards to Aries climbing an oak tree.

"J-Just trying to, uh, get reception!"

"Aries, you should really get down from there! You can seriously injure yourself," Lynx warned.

"Just give me a sec. I just have to__ " There was a loud snap and then Aries's screaming. He began to fall down, bringing down multiple branches with him and then hit the dirt with a loud thud. "Owww" he groaned.

"Just walk it off," I chuckled to myself. I mean he looks okay, no visible injuries, and he's still breathing, so he's good.

"Are you okay?!" Lynx almost a mini panic attack, which seemed unnecessary.

"I'm fine. Just outta of breath." He stood up and brushed himself off. "Hey Scorp, can you not mention that to any of the girls? I don't wanna come of a clumsy."

"Don't worry. Being clumsy is not the only turn off you have," I snickered.

"What the hell does that mean?!"

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