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Months went by and every night I searched for a secure place to sleep. I realised the idea I had of taking two water bottles to keep me hydrated had one massive flaw-you need water to fill them. However, I was lucky once to find a ten pound note lying on the ground with minimal water damage. Ever penny I found I picked up. I met some friends on the streets an old lady called Minerva who choose to live like this wanting to be closer to nature. In my opinion I would thought she was nuts.

But she did tell the most amazing stories to me for entertainment. Ones with witches and wizards and brooms. A made up sport with a silly name- Quiddich- I think she called it. The one that fascinated me the most was of a small baby boy, who managed to survive a deadly curse from a very powerful wizard, and instead defeating him. But they were stories, just an escape from reality. She would tell me about a magical school filled with wonders I could only dream that it would be real as like dreams; stories are a world we make up completely by ourselves to escape the reality of the world around us.

I would imagine myself going for the Hogwarts Express, attending school there, learning about magic and studying interesting creatures. Hogwarts-what a silly name. After she had told me her stories I would sit with what felt like a weight in my heart hoping that maybe, just maybe that it might be real. Then again any foolish daydreaming like that had never been allowed before.

I decided to move the next day giving my thanks to Minerva as I left. "I am sure we will meet again my dear" she replied as I left with a smile. I had the feeling she knew something I didn't. However, I simply shock the thought out of my head and walked on. I walked and walked until I reached a small park. I sat on the swing gently rocking back and forth. I started humming closing my eyes and feeling the summer breeze run through my black hair.

"You're not from around here" was the words that brought me out of my thoughts. It didn't sound much like a question, In fact, it was more like a statement.

"Excuse me?"

"You, you're not from around here, I don't recognise you, what's your name?" a sandy haired boy asked me curiously, sitting on the swing next to me, not moving his eyes away from my face. I just stared at the ground hoping he'd go away. I glanced to my side and seen him still sitting there patiently waiting for my reply, rubbing some dirt that was on the knee of his jeans. I sighed as I thought about replying. Why not? I thought.

"Primrose" I replied in almost a whisper, still not looking at him.

"Nice to meet you Primrose...my name's Andrew however I prefer Drew, you see, my father's name is Andrew too, so my family call me Drew." He explained with enthusiasm as he starting rocking on his swing.

"That's nice" I said with a slight smile turning my attention back to the other children playing on the roundabout, wishing that he would register it as a hint to go away unfortunately he continued talking.

"You don't talk much do you?"

"I learnt not to talk to strangers" I answered bitterly.

"I'm not a stranger I'm Drew and I'm your new friend." I had to laugh at him at this. Probably the first laugh that had ever escaped my lips. The genuine smile that was forming on my face was hurting my checks being so foreign, so strange.

"Oh really" I exclaimed "and what makes you think I would want to be your friend?"

"Because I'm going to tell you a secret"

"Well what is it?"I asked curiously leaning towards him.

"Can't tell you here" he whispered to me looking around him as if looking for something that clearly wasn't there.

"Why not?" I asked curiously trying to figure out what he was looking for but there was nothing only us and a few trees that surrounded the park. The three small children had walked away when their mother had called them. My attention was now only on him.

"Nargles might hear us" he replied moving closer to me.

"What-" I tried to ask what on earth a nargle was but was cut off when a small girl with the same shade of sandy blonde hair cut in.

"Drew you shouldn't be talking to people like them about stuff lik that" she said to the boy sitting next to me in a disapproving tone before turning to me with a small smile on her face. "sorry my brother has the craziest imagination" she explained waving her arm towards her brother. "Annie this idiots twin" she introduced herself then put her gaze back on her brother.

"Nice to meet you" I simply replied not wanting to say much in returned having felt quite offended by her use of 'people like them' in reference to me. What was that supposed to mean? I wondered to myself silently confused. I felt as if she was someone I would not like to get to know.

"But Annie" he whined to his sister "she's a-"

"Come on I'm telling mum on you for saying stuff to people" she said before running out of the park leaving us alone once again.

"I'm sorry about her I better go after her" he said disappointingly "maybe I'll see you later." He added hopefully a smile on his face. I knew in my heart that later would probably never come but I couldn't bare to disappoint him for so reason.

"Er sure"I lied to him as he turned and skipped away with a huge grin plastered to his face. I reflected on the strange conversation that I was just apart of. My first thought was what on earth are nargles ? my second thought why did the girl -Annie- refer to me as what seemed a different species? Maybe Minerva wasn't as mad as I thought she was.

(A/N) still working on the next chapter which will have Snape in it. Please review)

Primrose Evlan Snape (new version)Where stories live. Discover now