Potions And Unfair Treatment

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I woke the next morning entangled between my covers. last night i had found myself having a different nightmare from what I was used to and clearly my body had mimicked the movements in real life. In the dream I was faced with two blacken out faces my father the cruel man he was stood behind my head and whispered in my ear words that vaguely lingered in my head like a faint whisperer that was just audible to make out parts. He had turned to face me and laughed in my face as the two unknown figures had left me with him I screamed yelling for them not to leave me but they continued to walk my father looked at me with the evil glint in his eyes he always had.

I sighed getting up from my bed slowly, rubbing my eyes, I still couldn't believe I was here, it it weren't for the other sleeping girls in the dormitory I would've thought last night would be just a dream, and reality was, I was still on the streets or worse, still at home. I looked down at my feet and seen Toby lying there peacefully purring, I wondered for a moment what cats dreamt about before getting out of bed and rumbling through my trunk. I had just got my robes when I felt someone tap my shoulder I turned to finger the bushy haired girl Hermione standing there already dressed. "Good morning" she said with a wide smile. "It's the first day I heard some teachers like to give you a quiz to see if you looked at your textbooks before coming to school. I actually love reading Hogwarts:A History. Anyway I'll see you at breakfast I think I might check out the library before going to breakfast" she said before leaving leaving me gazing at the spot she was just standing in. I shock my head before I went and got my uniform on leaving the girls dormitory I found Drew sitting on the couch we had sat on last night.

"Good Morning." He greeted before getting up I returned a quick morning then walked beside him down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Breakfast looked just as good as dinner last night. Everything about Hogwarts was magical right down to the cobwebs in the abandoned corridors we had come across this morning trying to find our way to the Great Hall. "Aren't you hungry?" Drew questioned "you didn't eat anything last night." I found it somewhat sweet how this boy who had known me for as little as 24 hours was worried about me.

"I'm fine" I reassured him but thought I'd humour him by taking a piece of toast and taking small nibbles from it. It seemed to work as he began to eat his on breakfast. After we were finished we made our way to Transfiguration our first class at Hogwarts I was a bit nervous as it was McGonagall who was teaching this class, I found out through Drew that she was also the head of Gryffindor house. I liked that fact it meant I would see her more, after all she was the who had told me about magic.

The beginning of class went of well. Hermione had raised her hand at every question as well as me I seen a strange glint in her eye that looked like shock or jealousy. I sat next to Drew and we whispered to each other sometimes gaining a disapproving look from McGonagall making us silent writing down what she had wrote on the chalk board. Everything was quiet until the doors burst open and two boys came stumbling in whispering things underneath there breath.

Unfortunately for them they had missed McGonagall's demonstration of her transformation into a cat. Meaning they jumped out of there skin when the tabby perched on her desk turned back into her true form. Drew chuckled at the look of their shocked faces I elbowed him cruising him to stop.

"That was bloody brilliant!" The red head exclaimed in shock his mouth hanging open. McGonagall just looked at him disapprovingly.

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Maybe if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocketwatch, maybe one of you would be on time." She said eyeing them I had stopped to watch like the rest of the class

"We got lost." Harry tried to explain but McGonagall didn't seem too interested in the reason why they were late more the reason they were late.

"Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats." She said looking at the two empty seats in front of them before returning to her desk. I wrote the rest of the boards contents by which class was over. I followed behind Drew who I seemed to find myself quite contempt with. There are far worse people I could be with I thought my eyes finding the figure of Draco Malfoy, and I'm sure that out the corner of my eye, he winked at me.

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