Answers Come In Time

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The door slammed shut behind me causing me to flinch ever so slightly. I had never seen Snape like this, he seemed calm. Too calm.

The whole walk down to the dungeon he had walked, or rather limped slightly, beside me. Now we were in his potions classroom and I was waiting for him to speak, to tell me off perhaps.

But no words escaped his thin lips, causing me to grow more anxious. The brief time I had spend living with him, Snape had never really talked only the odd piece of conversation at meals and the brief instructions whilst potion making, when he allowed me to help.

But my thoughts quickly moved from his behaviour, they were more focused on Malfoy's words from weeks ago circulated my mind, Snape knows more than he's saying. I had nagging questions that kept me awake most nights, that replaced the nightmares of my cruel 'father' to the man standing in front of me holding a book with all my answers, a sly smile on his features as he watched the book slowly burn.

I shook my head slightly trying to rid the image from my mind and focusing on the situation in front of me now.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think-"

"Obviously." Snape drawled a firm scowl upon his features. "Tell me, did it ever occur to you to think of the consequences of your actions?"

"Well, no I didn't, I just-"

"Typical Gryffindor," he tutted looking down at me, "strutting around the castle, walking straight into death traps, and with Potter." He spat Harry's name, as if it were a horrible flavour on his tongue.

"Hermione was in danger!" I exclaimed in defence, the words leaving my mouth before my brain had registered them. "She's my friend I had to make sure she was alright."

"And playing heroes with Potter and Weasley was the right idea?" It was a rhetorical question and I knew best not to supple it with an answer.


She stood there looking at the floor, her eyes avoiding mine. Why was she so difficult to read?

"Answer me."

"I just wanted to make sure Hermione was alright she's...she's a bit like me," she mumbled under her breath. "I sometimes hear people call her nasty words, words I don't understand, she doesn't deserve that, no one does."

"You may go." I dismissed her. Her answer had somewhat unsettled me, what did she mean that Granger was like her? Dud I really want to know?

"Actually Professor I was wondering if you could help me with something?" Her voice was unsure. Unsure that I knew the answer or that she should ask, or maybe a bit of both.

"Life's short enough without me wasting anymore minutes with you so make it quick." I bit back.

"Well you see when I came to Hogwarts I got sorted-"

"Really how surprising I do hope there is reasoning for this story."

"Yes sir," she assured before continuing, "well the sorting hat said something, something I don't quite understand, what was it again?" She murmured to herself, I stood passive trying to mask the fear I felt for her next words. "Something about my parents, one being in house of the lions and the other, the house of snakes."

"How extremely fascinating." I drawled trying to seem uninterested but I was, I needed to know what she knew or rather what she thought she knew.

"Sir please, I need your help-"

"And how exactly do you expect me to be of any assistance to you?"

"Well you see sir I believed my parents to be muggles and well er..."

"Spit it out."

"Malfoy... I mean Draco suggested that maybe you could help me." Whether she was telling the truth or not I would never know, her mind was impossible to read, unlike others that you had to pinpoint exactly what you needed to see, she offered nothing, as if her head were a blank page written on with invisible ink. I would need to address Dumbledore about that later.

"Well Mr Malfoy must have been greatly mistaken, now I suggest you return to your dorm or Mr Flinch will have to give you a dentition." I warned.

"Sir please, I need answers now," her voice was pleading, her eyes full of hope, "what if my whole life, everything has been a lie?" She asked ignoring my warning of the care

"I was told once that answers come with time." I didn't give her time to retort, I walked away into my office listening carefully for her retreating feet. It took more than a few minutes to hear her disappointed sigh, suggesting she had realised that I would not be retiring to the classroom. Then she was gone with a soft thud of the door as she shut it. I had to find a way for her to never find out, which meant a little conversation with a certain blonde Slytherin was on the cards.

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