Chapter Nine

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August and I got out of the car. He took my bags out of the trunk. "Thanks." I said. "Am I allowed ta come in?" He asked.

"You shouldn't. My ma doesn't like you but my brother and mawmaw does." I told him. "Aight." He said. I was happy that he understood. I watched him get in the car and drive off.

I pulled out the key. "It's just me." I told my mawmaw. She was just about to hit me with a pan. "Surprised." I smiled. "Gina." She sighed of relief and then we hugged. She took my bags from me.

"Where's ma and Jules?" I asked. We walked up the stairs to my old bedroom. "She's at the grocery store and Jules is doing god knows what." She sighed. "He better not be selling drugs again." Jules sold drugs when he was seventeen to get some quick money.

I made him stop when he turned eighteen. Our whole family hated what he was doing. Ma even tried to kick him out of the house but mawmaw stopped her from doing so. "He doesn't get a lot of money from washing cars." I need to help him.

I looked out the window and saw my mom coming out of her car. I went downstairs and opened the door. "Surprise." I said. She dropped the grocery's and gave me a hug. I took the grocery's to the kitchen. "What are you doing here?" Ma questioned.

I explained everything to her and mawmaw. "You better not go back to that boy." Ma said harshly. I stayed silent. I could see myself going back to him. "Don't listen to your mother. Just follow your heart." Mawmaw said. That's what I'm going to do.

"When can we see auntie G?" Kay asked. "Maybe later." I stated. They love their aunt Gina so much. Being by Kay, Chay, Maya, and Callie makes me want to have kids right now.

"Can you please take us for ice cream?" Maya asked. "Sure. Do y'all wanna go with aunt Gina?" "Yes!" They all screamed. I called up Gina.

"Hello." She said. "Hey. I'm taking the kids out fa ice cream and they want ya ta come with. So watchua say?" "I'll come." "I'll pick you at five." I announced.

Ice cream Parlor

The girls told their order. "I'll have-" "She'll have vanilla ice cream covered with butterscotch." I cut Gina off. "You remembered." She noticed. I smiled at her.

"I'll have chocolate ice cream." I ordered. I don't know why Gina likes that plain shit. The cashier handed us our ice cream. We got a booth to sit at. "I'm thinking of taking ya ta Paris fo' your birthday." I'm hoping she'll let me. I licked my ice cream.

"You don't have to." "I want to." "Can we come too?" Maya asked. "No but I'll take y'all to Disneyland after we come back." Kay and Maya smiled. Chay thinks she's too big fa Disneyland.

"I really am sorry. I didn't know what I was doing back then. I never should've done that. It's ok if you hate me." "Aunty G why do you hate Uncle Auggie?" Chay asked.

"I don't hate him anymore if I did I would've gotten out of the country when I first saw him again." Gina said. I was glad that she didn't hate me anymore. I can try to get her back now.

Gina, her mom, and grandma

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Gina, her mom, and grandma.

Chay, Kay, and Maya

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Chay, Kay, and Maya.

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