Chapter Twenty Nine

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"I've gotta talk to you about something in person." Nada said over the phone. "We could meet up after my appointment." I suggested. "Bays Cafe 1:00." She decided. "I'll be there." I said.

I ended the call. "I'm here for and appointment with doctor Monroe." I said. "Name?" The lady at the front desk asked.

"Gina Anderson." I replied. "You can wait in the waiting room." She said. The doctor called my name.

5 minutes later

"You're two months pregnant." The doctor determined. I smiled widely. This is what I wanted.

I'm glad that god gave me another opportunity to have a child. The doctor gave me a booklet and some advice about what to eat and not to do while pregnant.

Bay Cafe

I walked into the Bay Cafe. I saw Nada sitting at a table. "Hey." She said. "I'm pregnant." I smiled. "That's great." She didn't even smile. Why wasn't she smiling?

"Is everything ok?" I questioned. "August is... cheating on you." She's gotta be lying. "He isn't." I said.

He promised me. "He is, Chris told me." She stated. "That son of a bitch." He just can't keep a promise.

How could he leave me on? "Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to break it off with him and I'm going to keep my pregnancy a secret from him."

"Ok. It's your choice." She said. "I'll talk to you later." I got up and then I left.

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