Chapter Eleven

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"Jules I want you to make the drop at four. Here's the address." King slided a piece paper over. I picked it up and put it in my pocket. King left the room.

"Jules your sister is here and she looking mighty fine." Bj said. "Shit. Don't talk about my sister that way." What is she doing in NOLA?

"Tell her I ain't here." I said. "Too late." I heard Gina say. She's older than me by two years and she acts like our mom. She walked over to me and smacked me. I ain't going to lie that hurt like hell.

"Let's go." Gina said. She was mad. "I'm not going anywhere." I objected. "I'll rat y'all out to the police." She smirked. "Sis you won't." "Oh I will." She mentioned. "Nigga if you don't go with your sister where all in some big shit." Bj said.

If I don't go with her each of us can be put in jail and King will make sure to kill me for sure. "Fine. I'll go." I said.


I thanked August for the ride. "Gina wait." I stopped walking and turned around. "Yes?" "I wanna take you out on a date tomorrow at seven." I nodded. "See you then." He smiled.

I walked into the house. "Gina where was he?" Mawmaw asked. "At King's traphouse." I said. "I don't know what to do with that boy." She said.

I just got an idea. "He can live with me in Atlanta. Maybe he'll find a real job out there." "Go talk to him about it." "It's not the best time." I said. I know that my mom's going to lecture him when she gets back.

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