Chapter Ninteen

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Everything has been going great with me and August. My dad proposed to my mom a week ago she said yes.

Jules is now playing basketball for the Atlanta Hawks. Skylar is a fashion designer. I'm finally happy that they moved on from drugs.

August is in New York for a couple of concerts. I'm spending the week with the girls. I need to have good parenting skills. I checked if the spaghetti was ready then I put the stove off.

"Auntie G can we go swimming?" Chay asked. "Yes we can." I said. "Can Auntie Sky come with us?" Kay wondered. "She's at work. We'll go with her to the mall tomorrow." I smiled.

I heard crying. Callie is up. I went upstairs to get her. I picked her up and she stopped. "Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Uh huh." She said. I took her downstairs. I put her on a chair. Then I dished everyone food.  We prayed then we all eat. "This food is delicious." Nooni said.


I walked into my hotel room. I just did my last concert tonight. I took cold water from the mini fridge. I drank some of it.

My phone started ringing. It was an unknown number. "Hello." I spoke. "I need my fucking money by Friday or else imma go after yo family and yo girl." King. "How much do I owe ya?" "500k." He mentioned.

"How am I-" "Find a way." He ended the call. He couldn't tell me this a week ago? Friday is in three days.

There's no way I can get that money by Friday. I called Jamel and Travis. I told them what's up. "Ask Gina for help." Jamel said. "Maybe I will." I said. 

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