Bliss 14 | Heart Breaker

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"Take away your things and go, you can't take back what you said, I know," - Same old Love by Selena Gomez

• Rosalie Scott •

I was still shocked. When I got out, Calvin had just finished his call, he stared at my probably white face. "What is it?" He asked, his tone concerned.

The Manager had told me that our insurance company sent a fax declaring their bankruptcy, and that they can't support the treatment anymore. Before that sunk in my head and broke me, The manager said that a donor covered my dad's treatment for two months. No name was listed. So now, I do know two things: the donor was a woman. And that when they find out her contact information from the bank, they'd call me.

That didn't make it okay though. I had to find her and return what she spent. My dad and I aren't charity.

I smiled, "Nothing," I told Calvin. "Everything's okay,"

He didn't believe me, but he decided that he wouldn't ask. "I have to go, do you want a ride home?"

Yes. "No," I said, thinking that it was best not to get close to him. He clearly said that once, by saying that we couldn't be friends. "I'll stay with my dad," Lie. I had to go to deliver the clothes.

He nodded, "I'll have someone get your Bicycle from school, lock key?"

I searched my jacket pockets and found the small key, I handed it to him. "Thank you," I said weakly, he just nodded.

"See you tomorrow," He muttered and turned around walking. He stopped midway, I stared at his back. I felt sad, suddenly, my only company was going to leave. Even though he might not like my presence, and we might not be friends. It was good to have company.

I watched his right hand get clenched. Then, he walked away.


I lost my tailoring job. The owner apologized and said that his original Tailor was back. I assured the sorry man that it was okay, and that I needed the time for school work anyway. But it wasn't okay. None of it was okay.

I felt sick. After my shift at the diner, I asked Diana if I could have tomorrow off, she agreed, saying that business would probably be slow like today.

When I got home, I replied to Aria's E-mail. She should be on the plain by now, coming home after an unexplained trip. I didn't eat, there was no appetite. Then I slept. I slept a lot.


I didn't go to school, I really didn't feel like going. For me, the weekend started Friday. Uh– weekend-ish. I didn't get my Bicycle back, so I walked around Brooklyn in hopes of finding another suitable job for me.

I thought of Aria. She must've landed since morning. Why didn't I call her?! Or Adam. I noticed that I didn't get nervous when I thought about him. I shook the thought off. I fished down my pocket for my phone, I didn't find it.

"Dammit! Who forgets their phone nowadays, Rosalie?! You idiot," I groaned at myself, some people watched in astonishment, I chuckled awkwardly, "Hah– sorry," I muttered and continued my way.

The whole afternoon went by fast. It was 5:43 pm according to the clock in last place I checked.

The other jobs were either be a bartender -I was underage for that-, or a part time waitress with basically no good money at all, or the perfect job with the wrong timetable that interfere with either school my job at the diner or my sleeping time.

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