Chapter 11: Bittersweet Love

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Izaya's pov:

I was glad Shizu-chan hadn't called me 'flea' the whole day. I don't think I could take it if he called me that. I've said so many times that I love humans. Shizu-chan was an exception. At first it was because he was a monster. Not human in my eyes. But I knew I loved him.

My love for Shizu-chan was different than how I loved my humans. I would feel warm around him. Shy, bashful, and self-conscious even. I would try to look good whenever I visited him, but the efforts were lost since we always fought. I would feel hurt when he called me 'flea' or told me to die. It hurt so much that I wanted to hate him, but I just couldn't.

The voices also went away whenever I was with Shizu-chan. It was like I could only focus on him that I would be too distracted to even hear them. But, of course, they got louder, meaner, and I grew desperate. Me, the great Izaya Orihara, desperate? Who would've thought. No, they wouldn't have. They didn't care. My beloved humans hated me.

When he picked me up, I yelped in surprise, a blush dusting my cheeks. I cling onto Shizu-chan, afraid he would drop me. I was still weary of the blonde monster. How could he change from hating me to liking me in one day? It made me scared. I was already scared of him because he was the one that was beating me close to death before Hana saved me.

He placed a bowl of instant noodles before me and kissed my forehead. I blushed knowing what he did, but I just thought that he didn't know what he was doing and ate the noodles. As I ate, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it. That must be Hana and Celty," Shizu-chan said, walking towards the front door.

Shizuo's pov:

I knew I kissed the Izaya's forehead. Now, I don't know why I did, but I just felt like I needed to just to comfort him a little. I smiled victoriously as Izaya blushed, but he shook it off by eating his noodles. The doorbell then rang, and I went over to answer the door. I twisted the doorknob and saw Hana, Celty, and Kadota with a few bags in their hands.

"Hey, Shizuo," Kadota greeted as Celty nodded her motorcycle helmet, unable to type on her iPhone due to the bags in both her hands.

"Hey, Shizuo. How's Izaya?", Hana asked.

"He cried a while ago when I came to his room to bring him down to eat dinner, but I comforted him," I replied honestly.

A look of relief washed over the older sister as I told her that. She seemed pleased of what I did to Izaya. It felt like proving to your girlfriend's dad that you were worthy of having her. In this case, Izaya was that girlfriend, I was his boyfriend, and Hana was the dad– wait, wait, what?! Izaya's boyfriend?! No way! No fucking way! I don't want to be the flea's boyfriend! . . . . . .But it wouldn't hurt to try, right? 'Ugh. Damn flea. What the hell are you doing to me?', I groaned mentally.

I let the trio in and they placed bags full of Izaya's necessities on the ground near the couch –except a paper bag in Hana's hand–, and his sister went to engulf the raven in a hug, making me feel a bit jealous again.

"Ne, Iza-chan, look what I got you," Hana says, holding the paper bag towards Izaya.

Izaya grasped the paper bag and peeked inside, then he exclaimed, "Fatty tuna!! Yay! Thank you, nee-san!"

"No problem, Iza-chan," Hana said.

"Why does Izaya have an obsession with fatty tuna?", Kadota asked.

"Yeah. Fatty tuna is fucking bitter!", I exclaim, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Ne, I like bitter things, Shizu-chan! Don't mind me! You have a sweet tooth!", Izaya said, gobbling down happily into a fatty tuna roll.

"Ne~. I guess that's what they call bittersweet love~!", Hana teased.

"NEE-SAN!!", Izaya pouted as Hana and Kadota laugh, Celty's shoulders shaking like she was laughing along.

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