Chapter 14: I'M in Love with Your everythING

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"I'm in love with your everything." ~ my friend, Tommy (or someone else)

Izaya's pov:

I stayed curled on the bed in my temporary room, wanting to avoid Shizu-chan. He didn't like me. Don't fool me with that, Shizu-chan. I know this is just pity. I don't need your pity. I don't want it. I want your love. I want you to love me not because of pity. You only said you liked me once you saw me crying. I know what your doing.

I was cut from my thoughts when I hear my phone buzzing beside me. I wipe my tears then pick my phone in my hands, flipping it open to see that Hana was calling me. I pressed the call button and brought the phone to my ear.

"Hey, Iza-chan! How are y–. . . . .You've been crying, haven't you? What happened?", Hana asked, catching me sniffle.

"I-it's nothing–"

"Don't tell me it's nothing, Izaya Orihara! What have I told you about bottling up your feelings?! Now, tell me, what's wrong.", Hana scolded.

I started crying again before replying, "Ha-Hana. . . . .Sh-Shizu-chan said h-he likes me y-yesterday, b-but I don't r-really th-think h-he does. . . .!"

"Ne? Why do you think that?", Hana asks, dumbfounded obviously.

"I-it's just out of p-p-pity, Hana! I–. . . . . .I don't w-want a relationship o-out o-o-of pity. . . .," I sniffle, crying onto my hand.

"If you're so worried about that, why don't you ask him, Iza-chan."

"N-no! It'll *hic* make me l-look pathetic. . . .!"

Suddenly, the door bursted open as there stood Shizu-chan. He was gritting his teeth even if he looked like he was about to cry. It was. . . . .cute. 'Ne, Shizu-chan~. . . . .What are you doing to me?', I thought, sniffling. He then walked up to me, I got scared and backed up on the bed, my back hitting the headboard.

"Shizu-chan, s-stay away!", I exclaim.

"Izaya? Izaya, what's happening?", Hana asked worriedly.

I had no time to reply as Shizu-chan got on top of me and grasped my phone in my hand, pressing a button to end the call with Hana and putting it on the nightstand, then kissed me. My eyes widened in shock as Shizu-chan did this. He was kissing me, moving his lips against mine. I couldn't hear the voices mocking me and melted into the fake blonde monster.

I unconsciously wrap my arms around his neck as I move my lips in sync along with his. His hands gripped my back, the lower half of my body only touching the bed. I focused on nothing but my blonde monster, kissing and me moaning under him. We pulled away to catch our breath, pressing our foreheads together.

Realizing what we did, I started to tear up again. I started to hear the voices again. It made me sob harder. Shizu-chan held me close and buried my face in his chest. I clutched back of his white button-up, crying and holding to him for dear life.

He's playing with you, Izaya., said the sickly-sweet voice

He doesn't love you, idiot! Go die!, said the angry voice.

I'm lying, flea., says Shizu-chan's voice.

"Izaya, I don't know what makes you think I don't like you, but I do. No. I'm in love with you," Shizu-chan says sternly.

"Y-y-you're lying!", I yell, removing my grip from him and try to escape his hold.

Of course that was stupid when trying to escape a monster's hold. They're just too strong. His hold is still engulf in me, making me warm. I feel myself blush, then continuing crying. Shizu-chan looks down at me to have a shocked expression to see me cry.

Shizuo's pov:

I heard everything Izaya said to Hana over the phone. I was worried about him because he hasn't come out from his room all day after eating breakfast. He was avoiding me. I went up to check if he was okay, and heard him talking with Hana. I was upset Izaya thought that. Why would he think that? I already told him yesterday I lo– liked him. You know what? Screw it! Fuck it all! I love the damn flea!

Seeing Izaya cry underneath me broke my heart. He didn't seem like the great Izaya Orihara that messed with people's lives, thinking he was a god. He looked like a scared boy afraid of a monster. He was so vulnerable.

I raise my hand to wipe his tears out of his face, caressing his cheek, but he flinched when he saw my hand. He thought I was going to hit him. I wiped his tears away with my thumb, then caressed his pale cheek. I pecked his lips, loving the feeling of his soft lips on mine. Damn. I fucking love him.

"I'm in
          Love with

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