Chapter 32: My Parasite

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Izaya's pov:

"Izaya-kun, you're pregnant."

Pregnancy. A term that is used where after a male and female have intercourse and implement an offspring in the womb of the female. That is what Shinra said what was wrong me. I was angry and hysteric. Angry because I knew who's offspring I was carrying. Hysteric because I thought of it as some kind of joke. Shinra was a bad liar.

I laughed, throwing my head back. Everything was silent except for me laughing. I could feel the tenseness in the air and Hana-nee beside me furious. Her anger was moving in waves. She couldn't really believe that I was pregnant, right? I mean, I'm a male specimen. This has to be some kind of bug.

"Hahahahaha! Ha. . . . .Ne~, Shinra, you really are funny, but you're a bad liar," I say.

"What I'm saying is the truth Izaya-kun," he says seriously.

"Oh really now~?", I say, grinning to hide my fearful look as I raise a brow.

Celty then shows me her iPhone, [Izaya, Shinra's saying the truth. He made some kind of drug and placed it in your drink during Hana-san's party.]

"Hm, so you really are serious," I say, losing my grin.

"Shinra, what does that drug do?", Hana-nee asks, trying to hold in a growl.

"Well, it made Izaya-kun release some pheromones, and since Shizuo-kun can smell like a dog, he smelt the pheromones coming from Izaya-kun and it affected him. I'm guessing you two had intercourse, and the little baby in your generated womb is Shizuo-kun's child.", Shinra says.

No. It can't be.

What the hell?! You're fucking disgusting, flea! Pregnant with my fucking child?! Piss off!

Shut up, Shizuo!

"Y-you mean I'm p-pregnant with hi-his ch-ch-child?", I mutter.

"Yes. You did have intercourse, didn't you?", Shinra said.

"But I don't want to have that monster's little parasite! I don't want it in me! I want it gone! I want to abort it, Shinra!", I say, tears now spilling from my eyes.

"Izaya Orihara!", I hear Hana-nee say firmly, grasping my shoulder as she turns to make me look at her.

The look in her eyes was surprising. It was unpredicted –this parasite in me was unpredicted. She looked so shocked, so disappointed, and so sad. Why was she that way? Wasn't she suppose to be angry? Going off to look for that monster to kill him? Why wasn't she doing that?

"Izaya, I know I should be mad at Shizuo for. . . .doing this to you. But what happened, it happened. We can't do anything about it," she says.

"Yes we can! We can abort it–"

"Don't you dare say that word again, Izaya! You love humans! You have an unrequited love for them! You love them because they hate you! This baby in you is one of those humans you love so much! You never killed any of them, and here you are, thinking of trying to kill one of them now!", she scolds, her hold on my shoulders firm.

They all hate you, Izaya.

"But this thing isn't human! It's a monster! A parasite!", I sob.

"Izaya," Hana-nee sighs, changing her voice more softer. "Shizuo isn't a monster."


"Listen, okay?", she says firmly. "*sighs* He isn't a monster. I was angry. You aren't a god. You and him are human. Celty is as well despite her origins. If you kill that growing child in you, you'll regret doing it. I don't want you to feel devastated. I don't want my little brother, the one I've been raising since childhood, to turn into a monster."

"She's right, you know. If you kill that child, Shizuo will be more human that you a– argh!", Shinra was cut off by Celty punching his stomach.

"Shinra, shut up for a second," Hana-nee glares at him. "Izaya, do you want to turn into a monster? Or maybe that's why you still love Shizuo? Because you both are monsters."

Hana-nee's words stuck me hard. She was right. She always was. I was already a monster from the start. A monster with flaws. Shizuo was a monster with flaws as well. That's why I loved him. He was unpredictable and had inhuman strength. Everything a monster was.

I made everyone's lives a living hell, I sell them out, and I provoke my lovely humans to suicide just to see their reactions. Everything a monster did. Shizu-chan and I were monsters. That's why I love him. But I can't give up the fact he cheated with me. It still hurts. I don't want him anywhere near me. . . . .or my parasite.

"I. . . . .I want to keep it. I wanna keep this parasite," I say, no longer sobbing, but with dry tears.

"Izaya–", Hana-nee says firmly, but I cut her off.

"My parasite," I say, rubbing and looking down at my stomach.

Believed." ~ unknown

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