Chapter 26: Symptoms | Lingering suspicion

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Izaya's pov:

I was glad the voices were finally gone. The day after Shizu-chan and I had sex, I barely hear them anymore. But you know what sucked? The week after, I kept vomiting the contents of my dinner in the morning, I would have cravings to eat some sweets –I don't even like sweets–, and I would sometimes get emotional.

I didn't know what was wrong with me. I didn't want Shinra to inspect me, afraid he was going to experiment on me and Hana-nee will know and she'll throw a fit –sometimes I think she's too overprotective of me. I haven't told Hana-nee yet, not wanting to worry her. Though she did worry a lot when Shizu-chan told Shinra about my cuts and Shinra told Hana-nee.

Speaking of Shizu-chan, these past two weeks, I haven't seen him much lately. I mean I see him on the weekends, but we barely talk anymore. And on the weekdays, he looks like in a rush when going to work, he just kisses me on the forehead and heads off. He doesn't come home on time anymore too. He comes home very late.

I guessed Shizu-chan must be working overtime because I was living with him temporarily and all, but lately, he occasionally doesn't come home at all. I would see him the next day when I wake up, but then he leaves the apartment just like that. I was getting worried and paranoid. It was enough for me to hear small voices again. I was scared Shizu-chan might be cheating on me. But he won't do that, right?

I hear the door close and I get up to go to the living room to see Shizu-chan sitting there with a tired yet happy expression. 'What was he happy about?', I wondered.

I shook the thought of and went to Shizu-chan. I sat next to him, leaning on his shoulder and say, "Hey, Shizu-chan. How was work?"

"Fine. Why are you still up, Flea?", Shizu-chan asked blandly, making me frown a bit from not hearing the concern.

"Ne~. I was waiting for you to come home, stupid protozoan~! You barely spend time with m anymore!", I pout.

Shizu-chan chuckles, engulfing me in his warm hug before saying, "I'm sorry, Izaya. You know how I work hard to get enough money to support the both of us,"

"Mhm. . . .," I hum in response. "Shizu-chan. . . . .Do. . . .Do you really love me?"

"Where the hell did that come from?! You know damn well I love you, you bastard!", I smile at the reply.

Shizuo's pov:

He can't know. He just can't. Izaya can't know I'm cheating on him. It's not that I don't love him, it was her fault. I didn't even want to have sex with her or date her even! She got under my skin, so I'm forced to date her in secret unless I want my little flea killed.

I was eating with Tom-san for our lunch break right now. I couldn't help but think of my little flea the whole day. He was just so perfect in every way even if he was a bastard –still could be– and was scarred. I loved that bastard.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and I looked up to see a familiar blonde Russian who should be in Russia right now. What was she doing in back Japan I don't know, but it looks like she wants something.

"Shizuo, can I talk with you privately for a moment?", she asks.

I look to Tom-san for permission, seeing as our lunch break was almost over. He just nodded his head and I stood up from the booth, then following Vorona to the side of the café where we were going to privately talk.

"Vorona, what do you want? I thought you went back to Russia," I say.

"Shizuo, I want you to date me," she says, getting straight to the point with a blank face.

"No. Vorona, I–", she cuts me off.

"You will either date me or I will kill Orihara," she threatens.

"Don't you fucking dare touch my flea!! You lay your dirty hands on him and you're dead!!!", I exclaim, feeling angry all of a sudden that this woman dared to kill my Izaya.

"I'm an assassin, Shizuo. I can kill Orihara when you don't know it. Now do we have a deal?", she asked blankly.

I grit my teeth, having no choice but to say, "Grr. Fine! But one question," she raises a brow. "why do you like me all of a sudden? Last time we hadn't had good relations,"

"That information is classified. Now, I must be going. We're going on a date this Friday. Until Friday, Shizuo," she says, walking pass me until she got out of sight.

I clench my hand, curling it into a fist then punching the wall, creating a big hole on the side. Then I went back into the café and tried to act like nothing happen. Tom-san didn't ask what Vorona wanted, and I thought, 'Shit. If Izaya finds out, he'll tell Orihara-san. And she'll kick my ass!'.

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