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Amber's Point of View

"Get out and stay out!" my mother yells at me, slamming the door behind me. I sigh and grip tightly onto my dino stuffie named Max. I toss the bags my mother had thrown out of my window onto my back and begin to walk down to a bus stop, hoping maybe my ex stepmom will let me stay with her.

 As I sit down on the seat, rain begins to pour, and with my luck, it becomes much darker. I shake in my seat, pulling my legs up to my chest. I bury my face into Max's chest and breath in the light scent of my brother, Holden.

 Holden gave me Max on my 5th birthday. He was the best thing I ever had in life, and that was ruined. My sweet sweet brother was killed in a car accident when a drunk driver drove straight into him.

 I shake my head to clear the thought when I notice a hooded person a few houses away, staring at me. I try to ignore it but the hard stare makes my palms begin to sweat. The bus wasn't coming for at least another 30 minutes. 

I glance down at my soaked socks and little kitten shoes. When I looked back up, the figure was sprinting straight for me. I panicked and grabbed Max tightly and began sprinting down the road. 

I run for at least 5 blocks and notice the person is catching up. I turn down the next street and run into the first house I see with the lights on. I pick up my pace and almost drop Max, a scream leaves my mouth as I grip onto him tighter. 

I make it to the large house and begin to bang on the door, yelling for them to let me in. I frantically pound the door and notice the person getting really close. "PLEASE!!!" I scream, continuing to pound the oak door.

Finally, right as the figure enters the yard, the door swings open to revel a very mad face. At this point I push the man inside and slam the door locking it. Tears stream down my face as I slide my back down the door and pant heavily.

The first mad face turns into a look of concern. "Who are you? Are you okay? What happened? Who was chasing you?" the man questions, squatting down to my level. I glace up at him and flinch when I hear more pounding on the door.

He stands up quickly and i race to my feet, "please don't open that door" i beg, grabbing his hand. He looks down at me and back to the door. He then locks it and phones someone to "remove the problem". 

He leads me to what seems to be a beautiful kitchen, a soft sky blue tile covers the walls and match perfect with the dark cabinets. He grabs a glass of water and offers it to me. I greedily take it and gulp it down.

He watches as I down it, relieving the burning feeling in my throat. Once the glass is empty, i set it down gently, and gasp for air. He gently rubs my back and sits at a chair on the bar. He motions for me to sit, so I set all my stuff down and climb in the chair. 

"Little one are you okay?" he asks after a moment of silence. I think and begin to nod my head yes, then remember everything that happened with my mom and shake my head no. "M-my name is Amber" i whisper softly, playing with max's spikes. 

"I'm James, What happened to you?" He asks referencing to the person chasing me. "I have no clue who that was. But they just came at me" i respond biting my lip gently. 

"Do you have any family you can call?" He says fishing for his phone in his pocket. I shake my head no and tears appear again. "My  b-brother died, my father l-left, and my m-mom just kicked me out" I sob pointing to all my stuff.

James slowly lifts my chin with his finger and offers a small sad smile. "You can stay with me babygirl" 


Heyo dudes! It's me, the author. This is my first story so please help me with any corrections in my story and feel free to follow me. 



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