t h r e e

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* c h a p t e r t h r e e *

It was finally lunch and like always I was sat on my own on a lonely school table while eating my tuna sandwich.

I heard someone sit next to me, I bet it will be Ashton, he probably felt sorry for me and decided to sit with me and make conversation.

I looked up to see Juliana and a boy, who I've seen around but never really talked too.

"Hi, can me and my boyfriend sit next to you?" She smiled holding her blue tray of food.

"Sure, go ahead."

Juliana and the blonde haired boy sat down beside me and she started biting into her cheese sandwich and the boy had the same.

"Andie, this is Luke, I don't think your in any of his lessons or really talked to him but..." She trailed off.


"Hey." I smiled taking a sip of my water.

"So I have noticed you've been talking to that new boy, Ashton." She smiled trying to make conversation.

"Yeah," I laughed. "Yeah he's pretty cool."

"I miss talking to you."

My face dropped as I remembered the memories we had, when High School first started, they was great memories it just ended bad.


"Hey, Luke is having a party soon and I wondered if you want to come."

I looked at Luke who was smiling. "Er, will it be a big party?"

"Gosh, no! Just a couple of people, ask ashton if he could come? Don't worry Paris won't be there or anyone like that."

"Oh, I'll ask him. When is it?" I asked.

"This Saturday at six, I'll pick you up if you want-"

"No no it's fine." I said too quick and a little to panicky.

"Oh, okay." She said sound disappointed.

"Juliana? Why are you taking to her?" I saw Paris stood next to Juliana's seat as I looked away at the ground.

"Oh I just wanted to talk to her..." Juliana trailed off.

"Come at sit with us, you don't want to be talking to her." Paris snapped.

"She's right, who would want to talk to me?" I sighed.

"See! Even she said. Now come on." She grabbed Juliana's wrist as she jerked it away.

"No, I want to stay here!"

"Fine bitch." Paris walked away to the table full on jocks and cheerleaders.

"I'm sorry about her." Juliana said looking worried.

"No it's fine, I mean I'm just awkward... why would you hang around with me?"

"Because your pretty rad."

My heart was filled of joy since she just called me 'rad' I couldn't stop my face from smiling lightly.

"You too." I smiled. "And you luke." I smile at Luke who was laughing.

The bell rang and I walked with Juliana to form, she was blabbering on about random stuff, she always use to do that, I guess that never changed.

I saw Ashton walking with a boy I have seen around school.

The boy had white hair with a black part in the middle, looked kinda cool really.

"Hey Ash."

"Andie!" Ashton shouted.

"You know Michael, right?" Ashton asked.

"Er, a little." I laughed. "Hi Michael." I smiled.

"Hey, Andie!" Michael took me by surprise, how did he know my name?

"How do you know my name?" I asked him.

"Oh well Ashton over here never stops talking about you." Michael pointed to Ashton as Ashton started to blush, which I found really cute.

"Ash, Luke, Juliana's boyfriend is having a small party on Saturday, you um, wanna come?"

"Yeah, course."

"Great, Luke's house at six, I'll message you on Facebook the details and that." Juliana smiled as Ashton nodded.

Then we all carried on walking the different direction.

"I hate that Michael guy." Juliana confessed.


"Oh him and Luke just don't get on right, and I don't like him that much I guess." Juliana explained.

"Oh right."


It's actually crazy how people can change your mood, from sad to happy, to happy to sad.

Now I need to think of a excuse on Saturday night and I have nothing to wear and it's tomorrow.... wait tomorrow?





this chapter is like so small but I didn't know what to do and I wanted the party chapter all in one.


omg im going swimming tomorrow and i don't want people to see my body :(


oh, im gonna start two books and im gonna update the first chapter or well first thing today.

so just check it out?:)

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